Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Beogram 6000

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  • #40756
    BRONZE Member

      Aloha Beogram Fans ~

      I am on a quest, to find an

      available Beogram 6000

      turntable – to properly play

      my collection of quad-vinyl …

      any suggestions, about who

      might have a Beogram 6000 ???

      Thank You ~*

      David Watersun



      BRONZE Member

        While I don’t have any 6000 leads, you can also look for a 4002 with an MMC6000 cartridge and a CD4 board. You probably have a better chance. However, your biggest issue will be finding a functioning cartridge. Soundsmith can retip them though at $600 is not cheap.

        BRONZE Member

          Aloha Mark ~

          Thanks for your suggestion,

          to check-out the B&O 4002

          Turntable – with “quad board” –

          I have already acquired three

          pristine MMC cartridges, to

          use with either the Beogram

          6000 or 4002 turntables …

          Thank You ~*

          David Watersun



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