Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Beogram 5005 troubleshooting help

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  • #36673
    BRONZE Member

      I few weeks ago I moved my Beogram 5005 in the trunk of my car. Like a moron, I didn’t put it in transport mode. Worked fine prior to the move. Now, it starts up when I press the play button. The tone arm and the tracking arm move to the record and the needle drops. I can manually advance the tone/tracking arm and drop the needle also. All good. From that point, the record plays, but only the one groove that it is currently in, skips, then repeats playing the same grove. It does not advance at all.

      I though it was the bulb and or photo sensor so I bought new ones from Beoparts and just installed them. In the dark, I can see the faint glow from the rear of the tone arm, the the bulb is operational. It still has the same problem: Starts up fine, turn/lift buttons work correctly, I can drop the needle on the record and it plays…. just one groove. The arms still won’t advance under its own power while on the record. I am kind of at a loss. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.


        Will it play for only one or two platter revolutions or can it play a minute or more?
        If only one or two revolutions;
        – Damaged needle tip
        – Wrongly set tracking force
        In the above mentioned cases the sound will almost always also be bad/distorted.

        If a minute or more and the < and > buttons work fine:
        – Tracking lamp/opto-interrupter badly adjusted (needs adjusting after replacing lamp/opto components – see the servicemanual)

        If a minute or more and the < and > buttons only lifts the tonearm but doesn’t move the carriage:
        – Bad carriage motor belt
        – Bad carriage motor

        No sound at all – check that the needle actually touches the record.


        BRONZE Member

          I would agree with Martin but initially focus on tracking force if the diamond is still intact based upon your transporting without locking the screws.

          BRONZE Member

            This: “If a minute or more and the < and > buttons work fine.” But, upon further inspection, the needle now does not appear to be touching the record.


              Check that the carriage rails haven’t come out of their holders.


              BRONZE Member

                That was it! Your are a genius. I owe you a beer.

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