Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoCom Beocom 2 Repair

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  • #57610
    BRONZE Member

    I have four Beocom 2 handsets that have been in storage for about 20 years that could be plundered for spare parts if necessary, except for the main circuit boards since I don’t know which program version is in their flash memory. Hopefully the batteries haven’t leaked and caused any damage. Everything worked when they were put in storage.

    Manfred Hans
    BRONZE Member

    What colors do the phones have? Find still glossy blue.

    Signature: "Be excellent to each other!" Bill S. Preston and Ted "Theodore" Logan
    (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure)
    BRONZE Member

    There are two aluminium, a black and a grey. All are pre-2010 so matt finish.

    Manfred Hans
    BRONZE Member

    For all People who want to dismantle their dummy or charger, I have a small guide that I am looking for everywhere but have no found it. My table charger has a broken cable at the introducting in the housing and I therefore wanted to open it to reduce the cable or patch on the inside.

    Well, it‘s very simple, if you have the know how, the rotating plate on the underside is only snapped an can be easily lifted out. Then you have access to four Torx 8 Screws that keep the housing upper. The contacts in wich the phone rests are attached to the top by means of three Torx 6 screws. Voila, no more problems.

    Open for questions.

    The top from this test was sticky and full of cracks, shortly before the resolution. I actually wanted to repaint it, but it turned out that the effort was no longer worth it, the plastic is already brewing.


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    Signature: "Be excellent to each other!" Bill S. Preston and Ted "Theodore" Logan
    (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure)
    Manfred Hans
    BRONZE Member

    Looking for Option to delete old Handsets in INT Menue. Thanks

    Signature: "Be excellent to each other!" Bill S. Preston and Ted "Theodore" Logan
    (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure)

    Looking for Option to delete old Handsets in INT Menue. Thanks

    Go to ‘Setup Menu’, then ‘Advanced Menu’, then ‘Base …’, then ‘Remove the handset’ then chose the one(s) that you wish to remove.

    Location: Warwickshire, UK
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    Manfred Hans
    BRONZE Member

    He Guy! You are great Dude, it works.!! Thank you.


    Signature: "Be excellent to each other!" Bill S. Preston and Ted "Theodore" Logan
    (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure)
    Manfred Hans
    BRONZE Member

    If anyone needs parts, I have four dismantled handheld devices here, two brand new displays and two brand new joysticks. But all of this can also be ordered or repaired through AVAservice.
    Email: workshop@avaservices.co.uk
    Web: http://www.avaservices.co.uk

    Thank you Manfred from germany

    Signature: "Be excellent to each other!" Bill S. Preston and Ted "Theodore" Logan
    (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure)
    Jonathan McCall
    BRONZE Member

    Hi Manfred – do you have a red case in excellent condition ?



    Manfred Hans
    BRONZE Member

    Hello Jonny!

    Unfortunately not. Only matt silver, matt aubergine, matt black. I use shiny red, shiny silver and shiny black. I’m still looking for shiny blue.


    Signature: "Be excellent to each other!" Bill S. Preston and Ted "Theodore" Logan
    (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure)
    Manfred Hans
    BRONZE Member

    Maybe this for you?

    Signature: "Be excellent to each other!" Bill S. Preston and Ted "Theodore" Logan
    (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure)
    Jonathan McCall
    BRONZE Member

    Far too expensive for a non working phone I’m afraid, but thanks for the heads up.

    Manfred Hans
    BRONZE Member

    In my experience, in most cases either the battery and/or the display are defective. This can be repaired for around 160 euros. You still have a very nice phone for under 300 euros. The last Beocom 2 that I bought new cost almost 900.00 euros. No Fake!!

    Signature: "Be excellent to each other!" Bill S. Preston and Ted "Theodore" Logan
    (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure)
    Jonathan McCall
    BRONZE Member

    Bought a lovely condition used Beocom 2 off eBay as not working.

    Ive popped a new battery in and given it a good charge.

    The screen lights up but has no logo etc. I do however get regular flashing of the screen on and off.

    Done a bit of googling and it appears to be a common issue, but not sure what the fix is.

    Any pointers gratefully received !



    The BeoCom 2 that was the subject of my original post in this thread had some problems:

    • I have recently changed my BC6000 setup and am now using a Beoline EU Mk2 rather than the older ‘pyramid’ PSTN base.  The Beoline works fine with the BC6000s (Mk2s) but although the BeoCom 2 will connect and operate (including access to ‘common’ phonebook), it will not update the time and the handset name does not show on the other (BC6000) handsets.  I think that this is because it’s a BeoCom 2 Mk1.
    • After being used for a while, the LCD display on the BeoCom 2 fades to nothing – the only way I can get it back is to cycle the phone off and on again – it’s not really practical for reliable use.  A new display is £75 so I don’t really want o go down the replacement route.
    • The rubber on the BeoCom 2 table charger has perished to the extent that the charger has crumbled into several pieces – it is no longer useable!

    Anyway, last week I purchased a ‘spares or repair’ bundle including Beocom 2, table charger and Beoline EU for a total of £35.  I bought it primarily for the table charger which looked to be in fairly good condition, apart from a few marks, hence one of the above problems is sorted.

    The ‘new to me’ Beocom 2 was a very scruffy, scratched white version with very faded buttons and scratches on the screen surround, but I was pleased to see that it is the newer Mk2 version (see here for differences).  I changed the battery and it burst into life and worked perfectly, including full compatibility with my Beoline base!  I therefore stripped it down and put the innards in the silver ‘better condition’ case.  I also swapped over the keypad buttons and screen surround, and now have a quite presentable fully working BeoCom 2 Mk2:  (it looks white in the picture but is the silver one)


    I then turned to the Beoline – when connected to the mains the light didn’t even come on so I suspected a power problem.  The plug-in adaptor was a sealed unit so I took apart the Beoline itself to check for power at that end.  There was one small screw to undo and then it prised apart – I managed to break every clip in the process so I will have to glue it back together but never mind!  Here’s it disassembled, and for interest I have circled in red a little port that is usually covered by the little rubber blank that you can also see;  I assume this hidden connection if for dealers to carry out SW updates etc.


    Anyway there was no power getting to the Beoline, so first I attempted to dismantle the PSU using a selection of destructive tools …


    But as expected that was an impossible task, so I cut the cable, found a 5.5V BC6000 charger PSU and bodged a quick connection to test the Beoline:


    I connected the Beoline to my phone line, powered it up, registered the Beocom 2 and it works perfectly!

    Although it’s been quite satisfying playing around with the two phones, I am not sure that I would recommend Beocom 2 repair – it’s quite tricky to take apart so hopefully mine will stay working for a while now!


    Location: Warwickshire, UK
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    Further to the above:  I was looking for a new PSU for the Beoline and realised that 5.5V 350-500mA may (just about) be supported by USB Type A.

    I made a quick connection from an old USB cable, plugged it in to a USB2.0 socket the front of my computer and it worked fine.  This could be useful in the future, for instance if I want to reduced PSUs by powering the Beoline from the USB socket on my modem/router.

    Location: Warwickshire, UK
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    GOLD Member

    I have a new battery for my Beocom 2 and have fallen at the first hurdle, almost.  After unscrewing the bottom plate and disconnecting the cable, there’s a round plastic thing that holds the battery in place.  I’ve tried every which way to pull it out using long nose pliers, while being careful not to snap it, but I can’t get the damned thing out.  Any advice would be much appreciated.

    Location: Liverpool
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    Ideal tool is ‘circlip pliers’, the sort that you use for compressing an internal circlip inwards to remove (you can also buy a version that stretches the ‘external’ clips outwards).  The pointy ends are inserted into the two holes in the battery clip (not the screw holes, the other ones), and squeezing quite hard then reduces the size of the clip so that you can remove it.

    Alternative technique that I have used: Use the two small screws that hold the base on and screw these into the ‘removal’ holes.  Then you may be able to use normal long nose pliers for the same operation.  Be careful not to bend the screws (ask me how I know!) 😀

    EDIT:  If not already moved inwards, this plastic tab may need pushing inwards to allow the clip to reduce in size (I think mine were already pushed in):


    • This reply was modified 2 weeks ago by Guy. Reason: added photo of tab
    • This reply was modified 2 weeks ago by Guy.
    Location: Warwickshire, UK
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    GOLD Member

    Ah thank you guy, I don’t have any circlip pliers and was too impatient to order some and wait for them, so I tried your second method, only rather than using pliers to bring the two screws together, I used my teeth!  My dentist won’t thank me but I got it out (with some difficulty), and the new battery is now installed.

    Location: Liverpool
    My B&O Icons: No description available No description available No description available No description available No description available No description available No description available
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