Home Forums General Discussion & Questions Beocenter 9500

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    Gary Trudeau
    BRONZE Member

      I need some help with a Beocenter 9500. I recently went through one I purchased on EBay, everything was working fine and then one day, the cassette door wouldn’t close. When you press the button to open or close the door when it open, it doesn’t do anything, when you press the button again, it spins the motor to open, but it’s already open, press it again and nothing. Is there a sensor or a way the BC9500 knows the position of the door? What am I missing? Please help lol!


        There is no sensor that detects the door position – the motor simply runs for a set period of time and alternates direction.  If no noise whatsoever on first press, it sounds like a motor problem.

        How technical are you?  The service manual is available to Silver Gold members.  I would probably open it up and maybe swap the CD and cassette motors to see if that determines the fault.

        (EDIT:  And welcome to Beoworld! The BC9500 is a great piece of equipment – well worth fixing!)

        Location: Warwickshire, UK
        My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 Beovision-10BeotimeBeosoundBeosound-Explore Beosound-Essence Beoplay-P2Beoplay-M3Beoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A2
        Gary Trudeau
        BRONZE Member

          Hey Guy, thanks for the reply. I’m pretty savvy when it comes to mechanical, and I have a basic understanding of electrical, but I’m not a technician. I do know how to solder and replace parts. I have a parts unit coming from eBay, hopefully I can get this one working again. I sold B&O back in the late 80’s and early 90’s, but I couldn’t afford it back then. It’s been fun collecting all the vintage stuff I remember from back in the day. Thanks again for the reply, I’ll let you know how it goes.


          GOLD Member

            Pretty sure it’s a belt issue. I’ve had the same but on the CD side!

            The eBay belts are worthless by the way, they don’t last, I’ve tried. Your Beocenter was probably repaired before the sale, with a bad part. Just a wild guess mind you!

            Location: Burgundy
            FOUNDER Member

              Just bought a 9500 – have actually owned another one for many years that I bought new but lent it to a friend and would feel bad taking it back! Found a boxed fully working one. Have owned a lot of B&O in my time though have given most of it away now. The 9500 is IMHO the pinnacle of usability for a B&O product. Completely intuitive in how it works but very sophisticated – works 2 way with the Beolink 7000 (not quite as well as a Beosystem 7000 but pretty close) and is the classic 80s/90s look. Doesn’t have DAB but I dare say one could attach an Amazon Dot if required. Going to pick it up from my sister who collected it and has tested it. Already have the BL4000s fitted and waiting!

              My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeovision-11BeotimeBeosound-StageBeosound-MomentBeosound-5Beosound-2Beoremote-OneBeoplay-EarsetBeomasterBeolitBeogram-400x Beocenter-2
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