Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoRemote Beo4 and Beolink 1000 Remote Shortcuts and Equivalent Button Presses

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      Having answered a few related forum questions I thought that I would post my table of equivalent button presses between Beo4 and Beolink 1000.  Most of it is copied from a post in an earlier forum, but there are a few additions together with some explanatory notes.  I hope it is useful – let me know if you have any amendments or additions:

      Beo 4 Beolink 1000

      MkI & II

      Beolink 1000

      MkIII & IV

      [red] [SHIFT] [<] [SHIFT] [\/]
      [blue] [SHIFT] [>] [SHIFT] [/\]
      [green] [SHIFT] [<<] [SHIFT] [<<]
      [yellow] [SHIFT] [>>] [SHIFT] [>>]
      [MENU] [SHIFT] [TEXT] [MENU]
      [GO] [PLAY] [PLAY]
      [DVD] (Note 1) [SHIFT] [CD] [SHIFT] [SAT]
      [PC] (Note 2) [SHIFT] [STORE] [SHIFT] [STORE]
      [DVD2] [SHIFT] [V.TAPE] [SHIFT] [V.TAPE]
      [V.AUX] or [DTV2] [SHIFT] [TV] [SHIFT] [TV]
      [N.RADIO] (Note 3) [PHONO] [PHONO]
      [N.MUSIC] (Note 4) [SHIFT] [A.TAPE] [SHIFT] [A.TAPE]
      [STAND] (Note 5) [PICTURE] [PICTURE]


      1. On the Mk1 ‘AV’ Beo4, you select DVD by adding CDV (which has the same IR codes) to the LIST function.
      2. It was not possible to add PC on early Beo4s (you need BL1000 or a newer Beo4, at SW3.4 or later)
      3. PHONO still available on earlier Beo4s, possibly prior to SW4.2?
      4. N.MUSIC replaces A.TAPE2 or A.TP2 from Beo4 SW4.2
      5. Not exact link: On Beo4 use V.SETUP (for TUNE) then LIST for PICTURE
      Location: Warwickshire, UK
      My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 Beovision-10BeotimeBeosoundBeosound-Explore Beosound-Essence Beoplay-P2Beoplay-M3Beoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A2
      GOLD Member

        Thank you Guy. This is very useful to have sight of once again.
        If anyone knows of the ‘Camera’ command on a Beolink 1000 please let me know.



        Location: Kent, UK
        GOLD Member

          Yes, very useful! Thanks ??

          Location: Burgundy

            Hi Guy,

            I’ve tried to participate to your topic by amending it with Beoline 5000 equivalent.
            Unfortunately I stalled after the red button key equivalent 🙂

            Anyway, maybe a little out of topic do you know how to trigger A.AUX from the 5000?

            This is to manually switch the inputs on a Playmaker. Beside auto-detect (that sometimes fails), Airplay is triggered by A.MEM (A.TAPE on the BL5000) and the analog input with A.AUX. and for that last I can’t find any equivalent on the BL5000.

            N.B.: I could use a Beo4 but I find so stylish to have that BL5000… 🙂

            Location: Paris France

              Anyway, maybe a little out of topic do you know how to trigger A.AUX from the 5000?

              Does SHIFT RADIO not work (same as BL1000)? My BL5000 is in a box so I can’t check it!

              Location: Warwickshire, UK
              My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 Beovision-10BeotimeBeosoundBeosound-Explore Beosound-Essence Beoplay-P2Beoplay-M3Beoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A2

                Does SHIFT RADIO not work?

                It does! Thank you Guy.

                Location: Paris France

                  I earlier worked out a few Beo4 NAVI equivalent IR commands:

                  • APPLETV is the same as V.AUX2
                  • USB is the same as A.TAPE2/N.MUSIC
                  • DOCK is the same as PHONO/N.RADIO

                  (Where APPLETV*, USB or DOCK can be added to the LIST button)

                  * APPLETV is not available on all Beo4 Navis.


                  Location: Warwickshire, UK
                  My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 Beovision-10BeotimeBeosoundBeosound-Explore Beosound-Essence Beoplay-P2Beoplay-M3Beoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A2
                  GOLD Member

                    Maybe – even if it is in danish – this thread from the late Peter Pan could be of interest for the viewers of this thread.

                    Alt om Beo4 & BeoOne

                    A wealth of information about the Beo4 and more there – please use google translate, if you need to.



                    Location: Flensborg————Danmark

                      Maybe – even if it is in danish – this thread from the late Peter Pan could be of interest for the viewers of this thread.

                      Thanks MM – I had seen the first part of the thread about SW variants for traditional Beo4s, but not the useful ‘Navi specific’ info.

                      It would appear that APPLETV was added (along with other ‘soft’ functions) in early 2013 with SW8.0.

                      Location: Warwickshire, UK
                      My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 Beovision-10BeotimeBeosoundBeosound-Explore Beosound-Essence Beoplay-P2Beoplay-M3Beoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A2
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