Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoApp Bang & Olufsen App – Beta version 5.5.1

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  • #50322
    GOLD Member

    The thread that you have linked to, had already started to cover the 5.5.
    I’d find it usefull not to split ‘the beta thread’ into two threads.

    Since I was the one who started the thread, I have now renamed it to ‘……Beta version 5.x.x.’
    and would ask people to continue using that thread.

    Yes, I am ‘brave enough’ – this is no problem, when you have more devices.
    My daily iPad still runs the 5.3 – another iPad run the newest beta (as soon as it is offered).
    I can’t say that the newest beta has brought big improvements…..at least not in my set up.
    Although I have noticed that the NL/ML Converter is mentioned – many of us had thought that they had totally fordotten it.


    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
    BRONZE Member

    There has been a topic called ‘Bang & Olufsen App – Beta version 5.4.0’ for a few weeks. (See https://forum.beoworld.org/forums/topic/bang-olufsen-app-beta-version-5-4-0/)

    Beta Version 5.5.123110758495 just showed up on TestFlight. Among the fixes and tweaks, they claim that ‘Play queue for Beosound Moment is back’. The disappearance of the play queue has been my biggest bugbear since v5.4 was introduced. That and that awful, ugly horizontal volume bar.

    I have been running v5.3.1 for a while now because none of the beta versions of 5.4 have fixed the play queue problem. Beta version 5.3 will disappear soon from TestFlight and I wonder if any of you has been brave enough to install v5.5.1. I am hesitant to do so. Thanks.


    Location: Switzerland
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