Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoSound A9 and Mesh networks

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    BRONZE Member


      Is there any update on the A9 being used in mesh networks? I’m very disappointed with the response on this which was ‘use Bluetooth’.



      Not sure what you’re really asking? Your A9 doesn’t work on your mesh WiFi network?

      Location: Toronto, Canada
      BRONZE Member

        No, and I was told it can’t . The current software doesn’t cope with mesh networks.

        FOUNDER Member

          Not sure why the A9 would not operate in a mesh network. I have an A6, Theatre and Halo which all work well if required, plus another 10 pieces of A/V gear.

          I dont know your home network configuration is but you may want to try and have your Router wifi “invisible/forget” to all B&O equipment (or get the router to kick-off anything B&O) and then link the Mesh device (which is just an internal router in its own right) to the B&O gear.

          In-fact, nothing in my home is connected to the Router other than the master Mesh device (by cable) and everything hard-wired or via Wi-Fi comes from the Mesh.

          It may be (I assume/guess) the problem is having devices on different networks is causing the problem?

          Hope that helps?


          BRONZE Member

            We have not experienced network connectivity issues with either A9 mk1 or A9 mk4 in home mesh network (Amplifi), using Airplay or the B&O app.  Is issue joining the A9 to local network, or streaming music to the A9?

            Joe M in WV

            Location: USA WV
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            BRONZE Member

              It’s not that the A9 doesn’t work with mesh networks, it’s that mesh networks are often deployed because more stable network configurations can’t be. So many are, by nature, compromised. The A9 doesn’t uniquely have issues with mesh, so you’d be advised to explore the possibility of moving to a more robust and stable traditional network topology.

              GOLD Member

                My BeoSound 1, 2 and Stage all have trouble with my wireless network when mesh mode is turned on.  There is definitely an issue with B&O and some mesh networks.  Mesh mode completely breaks Beolink multiroom for me so I just keep it disabled despite losing some of the benefits it is supposed to provide.


                I have mark 2 A9 and it works just fine on my mesh.

                Location: Toronto, Canada
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