Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab Beolab 18 WIRELESSLY through Sonos Port? Reply To: Beolab 18 WIRELESSLY through Sonos Port?


    Hi. Unfortunately, I don’t know more about this solution than is stated on the website I linked to above and from speaking to the store last week. You would need to call or e-mail them to find out more.

    But yes indeed, they seem to provide the “missing link”. I sense a lot of people, at least amongst my group of friends, would love to buy B&O but are put off when it doesn’t integrate with other brands. For me, it’s quite easy – I will buy the Beolab 18+19 if it works with a non-B&O-TV, otherwise I simply won’t buy B&O at all, and B&O just lost EUR 15,000 of turnover on me alone.