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    The issue is that the app now doesn’t look like what it did 4-5 yeas ago.

    Several major parts of the app UI/UX have been changed in the last few months, and they objectively made the experience much much worse.

    3 years ago the app was almost perfect.

    As someone who has worked in Fortune 500 software companies, I fully understand that the “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” doesn’t really work. There need to be continuous updates, refreshes of the UI, and so on.

    But the way B&O has done it… Is absolutely disgusting and shows complete lack of any software development and user research (they are two very different and very separate things) capability. The app design (of the parts they have recently updated) is very bad (and I’m not talking about subjective aesthetic tastes). And the app coding is even worse, at a purely technical level.

    The situation with the app now genuinely is utter shit compared to what it was a few years ago (B&O’s own app), and compared to major other companies in the same segment (Bose, B&W, Sonos, JBL – I won’t call them “competitors” as they arguably don’t target Super Duper Ultra Extremely Very High Net Worth Individuals).

    That’s why I’d pay for a third party alternative app (obviously referring to the other thread). Out of desperation and disbelief.