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    What other pieces do you need to use on masterlink ?

    If it is speakers in a seperate room , with a processor like the Emotiva I had you can add them as a zone , or you can add an Apple AirPort Express and get them on the WiFi network , then stream to them . A lesser quality option is to add a Bluetooth adapter to link a phone etc .
    The Apple way will a;so work in reverse if needed , eg: play cd on the network .

    Also b&0 speakers can be used with any brand of equipment , though the easiest way is to buy something with rca outputs for surround etc and a 12vdc trigger output on mini-jack .

    I will add a picture of a system I ran for a while using a Vizio 4k smart panel , outlaw/Emotiva processors and meridian/Oppo disks.
    Apple TV , dvd etc hdmi to processor , and arc-hdmi from smart apps in tv to processor .

    I still have the adapter cables and the little outlaw surround processor if you are interested in buying them ?
    Also the 7-1 and 65” tv , but that might prove a little bulky to ship !!
    I have a b&o pc box somewhere that I never used , maybe research if one of those can integrate masterlink into whatever you end up buying .