Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Beogram 6500 only one channel working Reply To: Beogram 6500 only one channel working

    • Warwickshire, UK

    The first thing I would try is the old cartridge, if you still have it – did the fault start immediately on fitting the new cartridge?  If so, and you don’t have the old one, simply remove the cartridge, check the contacts are clean and refit.

    Then try another amplifier, just to rule that out (or try another line input on the same amplifier).

    There could be a break in the cable inside the DIN plug.  Either try moving the cable around where it enters the plug, or it may be possible to prise the plug open (sliding the plastic cover away from the pins) and see if there is a loose connection inside.

    If none of the above finds the problem, the fault is probably within the BG6500 or the cartridge, hence specialist knowledge may be required to investigate.

    (PS:  I’ll delete your previous thread/post – just reply within this thread once you have an update or require further advice)