Reply To: The Prize Draw – Thoughts Please…

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Home Forums General Discussion & Questions Prize Draw The Prize Draw – Thoughts Please… Reply To: The Prize Draw – Thoughts Please…

    • Eastbourne England
    • Topics Started 13
    • Total Posts 46

    Hello Everyone, and thank you for your input. Some extremely valid points and some surprising insights which I genuinely didn’t expect.

    I left it as long as possible to get everyone’s thoughts, then had a short last-minute holiday followed by a very busy work schedule which has pushed this reply out a little further than I’d hoped for – but.. here we are.

    I met with Keith yesterday and we discussed the finances of the site going forwards, and also took into account the input here to come to the conclusion that the Prize Draw is an appreciated ‘Bonus’ which brings happiness and good feeling to individuals – and also the site as a whole.

    As a result, we have decided to keep the Prize Draw – but make it Annual, at a time where we all love a good present.. Christmas.

    I was actually surprised to see so many people simply favoured the survival of BeoWorld over the Prize Draw as I thought this was a pretty pivotal thing when deciding to upgrade to Gold. I was clearly pretty wrong, which actually points to the fact that you’re all selfless and simple want to support the site. I found this quite heartwarming and am actually embarrassed at how wrong I was.

    So, the Spring Draw will go ahead this evening as usual – and the next one will be in December.  After that, the next one will be Christmas 2024.  Taking this into account we will increase the values of the Prizes slightly. Nothing silly-expensive, but it’ll give us a whole year to pick up bargains and the really rare collectibles which we all appreciate as B&O enthusiasts.

    So, in conclusion – if revenues stay the same we can keep the draw.  The next obstacle is to try to increase revenue which will pay for site improvements, software licences, power and hardware upgrades and servicing, and so on.  I’ll do a separate post for this, again to garner input and ideas – and we also came up with some ideas yesterday which I’ll put to you.

    Thank you all once again for your valuable input – and Good Luck in the Draw this evening!