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    I don’t have a full overview of the B&O portfolio dating back decades so I am going to assume we are mainly discussing the current line-up and products from 1 or 2 generations ago. For me any B&O TV is crazy expensive when comparing to regular TVs but of course I do understand the craftsmanship going into them and that they are not just a TV but also speakers. A Contour is much more appealing to me than a Harmony or Eclipse but I don’t watch TV these days so I don’t care about them.

    On the speaker front it is also a bit relative. Within the current line-up I think the Emerge should deliver more punch for the price. For the price, even the black one should have more performance. It is easy to overlook this colour option when the oak version is even more expensive. Comparing to the sound of the Beolit 20 it is way less powerful and I am not sure the design is so much worth a price tag that is 1.5/almost 2 times that of the Beolit 20. I do like the oak one though.

    Looking at the Beosound A1 Dune edition, I seriously cannot appreciate it the way 100 people find it justified, when I feel like some of the standard options for much less are actually prettier and more balanced in their overall looks.

    Personally for me it was more worth it to spend more on a Balance Bespoke, so that supports the idea of the conversation being based on personal preference.

    I’m also going to compare the current Beosound 2 to itself. It is definitely less value for the money today compared to last year.

    Then we’re into price increase territory…