Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoSound BeoSound 9000: Torx screw in glass-door hinge stuck ?

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  • #64211
    SILVER Member

      I have a BeoSound 9000, type 2571.

      I need to remove the glass door to solve a CD-issue. So I need to loosen the 2 Torx-8 screws in the glass door hinges. The top hinge was easy to loosen, but the Torx screw in the bottom hinge seems very much stuck.

      What I have tried:

      • Applying WD-40 ‘anti corrosion lock lubricant’.
      • Heating the inside of the Torx screw, by inserting the tip of a soldering iron.

      Unfortunately, both did not work so far. And I want to be careful not to damage the Torx by putting too much pressure.


      Does anyone have experience loosening this stuck Torx screw?


      Bottom Glass Door Hinge & Torx-8 Screw kopie

      Location: The Netherlands
      B&O Orlando
      BRONZE Member

        I’m curious if this screw is not the original. I don’t think I have ever seen a silver screw here – only black. This is only a set screw so it is just threaded into plastic and not metal. With enough torque it should budge, but I wouldn’t want to put too much pressure on the plastic lifter it is threaded into. Tricky.

        Location: Winter Park, FL
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        SILVER Member

          Thanks @B&O Orlando

          I think you are right about the color. I took another look and compared the Torx screws from both hinges. The right/upper one (the losse one) is certainly black, and the left/lower one looks grey. So like you said, probably not original.

          BeoSound 9000 - Torx Right (black & loose)ย  ย  ย BeoSound 9000 - Torx Left (grey & stuck)

          I have let the ‘WD-40 anti corrosion lock lubricantโ€™ do its work overnight, but unfortunately still no movement.
          Hopefully I can get a Torx-8 screw driver with a T-handgrip, to get a bit more force. But like you said, it is tricky.


          If this doesn’t work, I might have to drill the Torx-screw out, but then also replace the hinge (part) in which it sits.

          1. Is this a possibility?
          2. Is the hinge part available?
          3. About the CD Laser Pickup: the Service Manual mentions ‘CD VAM 1250 from serial no. 15143261’. So this means I need a VAM 1250 for this BeoSound 9000 MK3?
          Location: The Netherlands


            I’m not good at physics but would’nt heating the screw make it expand? Would’nt you heat the piece where the screw goes?.

            If that piece in in plastic as told by B&O Orlando (I’ve knocked at mine and it may be possible) just an Hairdryer flow should work.

            Let us knowโ€ฆ

            Location: Paris France
            SILVER Member

              Good point M,

              I have been very careful with using the soldering iron, and therefore I am sure nothing has melted.
              My main focus has been on trying to get the ‘WD-40 anti corrosion lock lubricantโ€™ to pull in. But with no result so far.


              Again, if this doesnโ€™t work, I might have to drill the Torx-screw out, but then also replace the hinge (part) in which it sits.

              1. Is this a possibility?
              2. Is the hinge part available?
              3. About the CD Laser Pickup: the Service Manual mentions โ€˜CD VAM 1250 from serial no. 15143261โ€™. So this means I need a VAM 1250 for this BeoSound 9000 MK3?
              Location: The Netherlands

                Ignorant and dumb thinking, okay?

                0 โ€“ Should you have to drill out the screw, it looks like there is room for a bigger screw so you should be okay.
                1 โ€“ Yes that should be possible and you have nothing to loose.
                2 โ€“ I’ve seen this part on ebay or any classified ads many times; As usual with indecent pricesโ€ฆ
                If not, the lower hinge is not as complicated as the top one: it’s justโ€ฆ a hinge. So even if you break it you may be able to replicate it with 3D printing or even a good woodwork from hardwood, not to mention actual metal CNC.
                3 โ€“ I think MK3 laser are difficult to source. But you should try a deep clean procedure first. If it doesn’t work then it may me a little less cheap.
                I’ve successfully replace a MK3 laser with a BS3000 MK1 one. BS3000 MK1 are prone to fry their IC quite fast sot you can find them cheap “sometimes”.
                I remember a member from BWII โ€“ Maybe Keith โ€“ told us about a common Marantz CD player that use the same mech, but my memory is fuzzy.

                Ifย  this is becoming too difficult, I suggest you “unglue” the glass door to ease your work: this is something more easy to fix than a broken glass.

                In all case BS9000 have to be repaired โ€“ as we used to say in France โ€“ “Whatever the costs”.

                Good luck.



                Location: Paris France
                SILVER Member

                  Dear M.

                  Thanks so much for your extensive reply; very helpful suggestions!

                  The good news is that I solved getting the hinge screw loosened!

                  When taking another and closer look with a magnifier, I got the impression that it wasnโ€™t a Torx screw. So, I just tried an allen key wrench on it, and immediately felt it made a perfect fit with good grip. So, I concluded it wasnโ€™t a Torx screw but an allen key screw.

                  It was still very much stuck, but I was able to loosen it that much to get the glass panel out!

                  So this part is solved, thanks for all the help and suggestions: @Matador & @B&O Orlando

                  By the way, I checked with the owner. He bought the BS9000 brand new, and gad no service or repair on it. So it remains a mystery to have two different screws in the hinges.


                  Laser unit for BS9000

                  Thanks for the advice. I will first get the existing laser unit out and check which type it is. And then look at your tips for sourcing possibilities .

                  Location: The Netherlands

                    Hi Kolfmaker,

                    Happy it was solved but you shouldn’t thank me, because I’m so stupid and so blind: of course thoses are not Torx but Allen screw. I’ve taken out those so many time it should have ring a bell immediatly.

                    Anyway, the door is off, thats what matters.

                    Location: Paris France
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