Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLink MCL 2AV Power Adapter Reply To: MCL 2AV Power Adapter

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    • Location: Denmark

    Could I connect a Beolink Passive such as the 1657 to that via Masterlink, or could I connect the 1657 directly to my Beocenter vas Powerlink?  I know this would mean I would also need the newer IR Eye as the older rectangular type that I already have would not work, but would this alternative (made up of newer components) work?

    You can connect it to Masterlink and have it function as a link room with the IR eye attached.

    If you connect it to powerlink the IR eye can not be used. When conencted to powerlink it can either function as a amplifier for passive speakers or as a converter from Powerlink to MCL which is redundant with the system you have (this option is for use with for example Beocenter 2300/2500 which does not have an amplifier built in)