Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoCenter Beocenter 6 23 software upgrade? Reply To: Beocenter 6 23 software upgrade?

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    • Denmark

    Space constraints. From 26″ to 23″ – that must be a tiny space. Sorry for the off-topic answer. Couldn’t help it.

    Yes it sounds weird I know, but here the 23″ is placed. The 26″ would be crammed in between the window and the angled wall


    Since these TVs are worth 0 now a days… It might be easier and cheeper just to get another Beovision 6-22 or Beocenter 6-23 …

    Thats true. Not many available on local adds at the moment though, but I might keep looking.

    If anyone else have insights regarding the updates I am still interested to hear about it