Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoSound Beosound Ouverture CD not working Reply To: Beosound Ouverture CD not working

GOLD Member
    • Denmark

    Getting back to my Ouverture project I have now per Guy’s suggestion in another thread tried to play a CD which use the full 74 minute playtime. I have played it several times, and the Ouverture can play the whole CD without problems.

    The problem that I have to press CD twice to get the CD spinning remains however.

    I have tried to reflow alle the new capacitors just in case one of them had a bad connection, but that did not make any difference.

    The updated part of the servicemanual for the CDM laser available at Beoworld has this passage which might very well be what I am experiencing:

    Skærmbillede 2024-04-12 kl. 16.21.44

    However section 5 is not in the update for the servicemanual, and the procedure described in the older servicemanual is for a PCB with two trimmer potentiometers which is not on the PCB in my Ouverture

    Skærmbillede 2024-04-12 kl. 16.24.55

    So I wonder if a newer version of section 5 in the servicemanual is available?

    Also I would have to get hold of the described test CD to do these adjustments