Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab BeoLab 11 issue

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  • #50083
    FOUNDER Member

      Hi all,

      Would appreciate any thoughts.

      Lab 11 had a low humming sound, no real sound other than that and green light stable. Stripped down and appeared to be coming from pcb 35 ICE amp. Swapped this for a new one and all working for 3 hours then same thing has occurred. Hoping this hasn’t damaged new module but struggling to think why this would happen.




      BRONZE Member

        I’m sure you’ve already considered this, but are you using the correct powerlink cable version? This will definitely cause a hum if you use the incorrect version

        FOUNDER Member

          Yes Luke MK3 and been using it for 10 years or so..


          BRONZE Member

            Try another cable first

            FOUNDER Member

              1st thing I did, brand new cable and same problem


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