Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram missing BG4000 Reply To: missing BG4000


    As I’m now down to 1 bridge rectifier I thought it would be wise to check a few things out before I do a lengthy test run:

    Output from the new 6vdc regulator = 160ma under operating load

    Output from the existing 24vdc regulator (0tr1) = 440ma under operating load

    The transformer arms are good for 1.25A so I think we’re good to go, the bridge rectifier is rated at 3.7A. I will monitor the temperatures of all components, TR1 particularly though the data sheet says its good for 80w (seems high to me).

    Also I have ordered a 33 ohm 3w resistor to see if I can drop all the heat over it instead of the regulator, I can then fasten the resistor to the chassis for cooling……