Just to say I cannot speak highly enough of the service from OneRemote – thanks all for your input.
with best wishes
Just to say I have some python code to control Apple Music if you are able to capture the input from ML. I’ve used it with the mlgw and blgw but it could be adapted for other devices. You can get the relevant code (ASBridge.py) on my GitHub here:https://github.com/LukeSpad/BeoGateway/blob/Indigo-Server-Plugin/BeoGateway.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server%20Plugin/Resources/ASBridge.py
Thanks Guy- good shout – I’ll give that a try
Many thanks Beomedia – I had visited that site, but unfortunately postage costs to the UK are really high (almost 5x the cost of the item – thanks BREXIT!). I was hoping there might be another option
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