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  • in reply to: Need help linking NAS with BeoLab 5+9 #50187
    BRONZE Member

      Many thanks Glitch for your thoughts.

      I will start the process of trying to create a sensible diagram with models (images) and then it will be easier to comment on.  And I fully agree, the knowledge here is top shelf.  I am an old Toyota Land Cruiser owner (40 years) and that forum is amazing for the help, comraderie and willingness to “keep old trucks going” (like my 1980 FJ40)…hah

      I have no idea of software updates on say something like BS9000 or where I could figure that one out.  And I wasn’t aware that BL3,5,9 had software that needed updating? I do recall having had our 2 old (now gone) BO tv’s getting firmware updates though.


      in reply to: Need help linking NAS with BeoLab 5+9 #50185
      BRONZE Member

        Hi Johan

        Thanks for your note.  I don’t want to ‘paint’ all BO service techs with a bad brush, however my experience in Geneva and London left much to be desired and those fees!  And I have been married to a Dane for more than 40 years!

        I would feel much more confident in paying one of you to help create a template for ‘discussion’ that I could then take to BO Lisbon and say, can you do this or how would you do it differently. As signalled previously, BO London pushed for the Core approach which may be fine, but unnecessary (or to sell me more BO stuff).

        So if anyone is willing to help please contact me– email is

        Many thanks

        in reply to: Need help linking NAS with BeoLab 5+9 #50182
        BRONZE Member

          Please see one proposed BO solution for main reception with BL5, BS9000

          in reply to: Need help linking NAS with BeoLab 5+9 #50181
          BRONZE Member

            This image should have been attached as well.

            in reply to: Need help linking NAS with BeoLab 5+9 #50180
            BRONZE Member

              Gents (and ladies)– THANK YOU SO MUCH!  THIS IS INCREDIBLY HELPFUL.  I apologize for all the questions and lack of clarity.  Yes I am in London but the installation is going to be in Portugal.  I would certainly gladly pay someone to create the appropriate diagram summarizing all the requirements that I can pass to my architect.

              Please see added images attached of how I currently connect my BL3 to a LG tv– it works fine.  It is round but the has B+O on top not “Bang and Olufsen”. I thought this was the “Core”?

              Sorry I did not get the point on the BL5– that they MUST be working with BS9000– I won’t ask that one again!  So I assume the reality is that you need to use the BO 9000 remote to turn on 9000  and then you could stream with BL5 ‘awake’.

              Tignum– your idea about creating standard cabling is music (hah) to my ears!  Yes I am having a large work room that will have server, solar related stuff, battery, windmill connection (going for green as much as possible) etc.  It would be a perfect place to house all of the hardware BUT on a lower floor and quite some distance given the house configuration.  And of course I would need someone locally who can add connectors to the cabling you suggest and ‘make it all work’ (or if Steve from Heavenly sells RJ45 to the various cables you describe it would be easy to plug his cables into RJ45  directly to devices).  That is the part that scares me– finding a local person (1h South of Lisbon) who can put all the required connectors (if that is what is needed) and make it all work.  But yes, having the same standard cabling to each room (Cat 7 S/FTP cabling throughout makes great sense– normally they use Cat 6) with the required number of ports is spot on.  And to consider where to place the power outlets and ports next to the BL9, BS9000, BL9 and BL3.

              I would be more than happy to call anyone and discuss further and pay with the goal of getting a suggested cabling/ installation plan that I can had over to Portuguese architect.  He has a BO contact in Lisbon I believe, but I would like to present a ‘suggested solution’ and then get their local confirmation that it is “doable”.

              So if anyone can suggest such a person (anywhere in Europe is fine) to help prepare with me said plan, kindly let me know.

              Many thanks for your generous time and thoughts.
              Best regards,



              in reply to: Need help linking NAS with BeoLab 5+9 #50175
              BRONZE Member

                Hi MM,

                Actually I spent thousands of pounds on rubbish advice from BO here in London many years ago and learned to ‘forget them’ for now.  And frankly BO tech support in DK isn’t great either in my experience.  BUT this forum seems to have some real brains.  As you can see this is not complicated but just needs to be thought through correctly.  Based on the earlier message and suggestions I figured (and not holding anyone responsible), it would be possible to simply make some lines showing (PowerLink between A and B; MasterLink (??) between A and C and so on).  I have the impression that there are some sophisticated installers watching this forum and I simply am hoping to gather the correct information how best to connect as you know: streamer; NAS; to speakers (BL5, BL9, BL3) and connect BL5 to BS9000 and perhaps use my Core with TV in extra bedroom or a better way).  Then once I know what cables work speak with Steve at Heavenly and get correct stuff to connect when installation which is about 14 months away from now.

                Many thanks

                BO (one of their franchisees was the one who planned and installed my system in London that  was a disaster and never worked as intended (probably a lot to do with the fact the Moment is a lovely looking useless device I learned the hard way with a big NAS).

                in reply to: Need help linking NAS with BeoLab 5+9 #50173
                BRONZE Member


                  Apologies for my tardy response.  I have been discussing with architect what might make sense in terms of placement.  Briefly to summarize:

                  1. “Great room”– place BL5’s and BS9000.  Ideally be able to use BL5’s without having to turn on BS9000 each time to stream music from NAS and not use 9000 remote to adjust volume.  And play CD’s on 9000– yes use the BO remote for that.  The room has glass on 2 walls and very high (4.5m and glass sliding doors 3m) leading to wrap-around terrace.  I have made an arrow point ‘out’ where there is a hall which we can create a cabinet in the wall cavity to place for example NAS, Streamer etc.

                  2. TV room– BL9’s  and BeoCenter 2 (on pedestal).  Ideally speakers for tv and separately to stream music from either NAS or streamer (Spotify etc.).  I do own 1 Core already.

                  3. Master Bedroom– tv plus BL3; perhaps this is the room to hide a Core near the tv?

                  See attached 3 simple sketches.  I would be most grateful for your advice in terms of what cables I need to be hiding in concrete tubes (power (volts); PowerLink, MasterLink etc) between various devices.  The entire house will have a current mesh Wifi as well.

                  Sorry I don’t have any drawing programs to make this more professional looking. For any of you who are into streamers, I used to follow Steve Huff (on photo) but he is a real HiFi afficinado and his recent review of the Eversolo DMP A8 streamer is pretty amazing.

                  Finally, what diameter tube to accommodate any large ‘end connectors’ like PowerLink, Masterlink etc please.

                  Thanks again for any and all input.  I think it will be easiest to use a few of my Sonos speakers in my workshop/study on the lower ground floor via Wifi unless you have any thoughts about running any tubes (wires) for future wire connectivity– it is easy to add now since no building yet.

                  Thanks again,

                  in reply to: Need help linking NAS with BeoLab 5+9 #50171
                  BRONZE Member


                    Spoke with BO chap in London today and I am looking forward to hearing his thoughts.  But he added a ‘new’ wrinkle–(if I understood correctly).  He suggested if I use the BO Core (I have one currently to connect an LG tv to BL3 and it works fine), to the BL5 I could AVOID having to power up the BS9000 each time I want to hear say streamed or DNLA music– is that correct? I could avoid having to power up BS9000 and avoid the BS9000 remote and control all with the say BlueSound app?



                    in reply to: Need help linking NAS with BeoLab 5+9 #50170
                    BRONZE Member

                      Sweet no cables!They certainly look nice.  But no on the cards for me… Where is the power cable?  Many thanks for image.

                      in reply to: Need help linking NAS with BeoLab 5+9 #50168
                      BRONZE Member

                        Thank you for the idea of the BL50– I had not heard of any such offers, but have not been hunting either here in London.

                        My architect is asking the diameter of the conduit tube to allow “all possibilities” to pass cables through that might have “large ends”– would 50mm diameter (2″) be enough?

                        Many thanks,


                        in reply to: Need help linking NAS with BeoLab 5+9 #50165
                        BRONZE Member

                          Thank you again for this– yes absolutely I will place conduit tubes so we can pull wires to the appropriate place (and near a power source).  The hard part is actually trying to anticipate in a ‘new house with a very big room’– what is the “final” position of the BL5 and BS9000.  I am loath to place PowerPoints in the floor (as they are ugly) but given large glass around 2 walls not much choice.  But I do need to get it correct first time.

                          MM — did I understand correctly that I can ONLY listen to the BL5 IF the BS9000 is turned on? Another words, it is not possible to stream music to the BL5 directly from the NAS.  If that is true, does this mean you need to use the BO remote and select “aux” each time and ad just volume from BO remote and then use the APP to select music?  This was one of the ‘challenges’ I had with the Moment– when I could find the DNLA, I needed to use the BO remote to adjust volume and the Moment to select music (i.e. 2 step and 2 devices).  Or is there a better 1-step way to listen to streamed (NAS- DNLA) or Spotify??

                          When I lived in Geneva we had a BO tv and I had the BL5 and BL3 all working with the TV– amazing!!  But BL3 are pretty remarkable for just TV.  I think having BL9 and BL3 in a smaller TV /family room would be overkill.  I am thinking about this and would welcome your input:

                          1. I will have a studio/ workshop on lower ground floor.  I was trying to see if the BL3 could be placed there (to keep me sane…hah).  However then this would be some length from my ‘server /services’ room (also on lower ground).  Would it be more sensible to simply use Sonos speakers downstairs on a mesh wifi?  Of course the BL3 sound 100x better.

                          Sorry for all the questions– once I am able to digest all of your excellent input, I will attempt to make a simple drawing and post for your input if I “got it” correct.

                          Kind regards and many thanks to all…. I wish I could buy you a cold Danish Faxe Fadoel!

                          in reply to: Need help linking NAS with BeoLab 5+9 #50161
                          BRONZE Member


                            THANK YOU

                            Wow– I wish you were in London and I could buy you an adult drink and chat!  This is amazing and I am learning so much!

                            So if you can bear with me (or if you prefer to do via email, let me know and I can send you my email address), I will try to summarize and soon  try to make a draft wiring drawing:

                            1. BL5 will ONLY be used with BS9000 in my “Great room” and I will also stream to this room via Bluesound, WIIM or similar.  Powerlink cables from BL5 and BS9000 (to play CD’s).  But I am unclear what cable would be used for the network (to stream the NAS library)? Can this be from an Ethernet port which the house will have throughout? If there was a way to go from Ethernet port on LAN to speakers that would be so nice and simple??

                            2. Family room will have BL9 as well as BeoCenter 2 (using PowerLink cable ) to play local CD’s there but wondering if I can integrate with TV sound to independently operate with ONLY TV OR CD?  See image below, I currently use this BO device to integrate BL3 (which might be plenty for TV room anyway)– it works fine as well with single remote. OR could I use this BO device with BL9 speakers and a) use BL9 for TV and b) use BL9  stream from NAS network and c) play CD via BeoCenter2?  Does this need then PowerLink cables from BeoCenter 2 and each speaker and then a different cable for BL9 to tv? I am fuzzy if this can be combined or ONLY have say BL9 to play TV and not also linked to NAS and BC2?

                            3. I might have already asked this question but can I use the same NAS streaming network and also link various Sonos speakers that I have in smaller rooms, terrace etc?  The house will obviously have a strong mesh wifi .

                            Sorry for all the questions, but once I get the “picture” I will try to draw it out and ask you to take a look and confirm with Steve (Heavenly Cables) that I am planning is doable in the length of cable required etc.

                            Many thanks as always,


                            in reply to: Need help linking NAS with BeoLab 5+9 #50159
                            BRONZE Member

                              Thanks for all the input.  I used to have 2 BO tv’s which were great but they were quickly dated with lack of HDMI, smart functions etc.  But I loved the picture and ability to turn the stand…oh well.

                              My experience is (was) in Geneva and London that the BO installers were disappointing (to be polite) and often I knew more than them.  Maybe I was unlucky but they were more interested in selling more BO products than trying to find a solution to what I sought.

                              My main goal is to have the NAS library available to the BL5 in my main “great room”.  Being able to access the same library in the “family room on BL9 will be great.  I already have the BO hub and using digital optical cables am able to link the LG tv with the BL3.

                              I assume there is only one way to control the BS 9000 CD player with BO remote so the speaker would need to be wired directly to the BS9000 using BO powerlink cable(?) and separately there needs to be another cable to the BL5 and the network that would have s to the NAS via some streamer (like BlueSound or WIIM).  But I am unclear if this is possible–the Powerlink cable connecting BL5 and BS9000, and then another cable from network to BL5 (unclear what kind of cable that could be?).  See image attached, so how does the NAS get added?


                              in reply to: Need help linking NAS with BeoLab 5+9 #50155
                              BRONZE Member

                                Thanks so much for this– I am studying now and the diagram is FANTASTIC.  I need to pass something to the architect in some months with how I want to wire things and this is what I will need to do soon.

                                I take your point, grandkids when they come of age, will teach Grandpa how to do it…hah.

                                I have a tendency to overthink these things and make them more complex than they need to be AND then the lovely BL5 and BL9 and 9000 become “furniture” which is ridiculous.  I have a massive room ca. 150sqm with very tall ceilings that the BL5 should fill beautifully…the at is the primary concern, everything else is “desert”….

                                I sure wish I reached out earlier…what a great resource.  I have old Land Cruisers and the Ih8mud forum is amazing for help…thanks for being a good neighbor….  where are you based? I am in London UK

                                in reply to: Need help linking NAS with BeoLab 5+9 #50151
                                BRONZE Member

                                  Thanks so much for this input.  I am about 12 months away from the floors going in with wiring and 18-20 months from the house being ready.

                                  So I will keep an eye on what are options that are easiest to manage.  I have a large family and lots of grandkids so trying to keep it real simple.  Will “kids” be able to use something like Spotify and their playlists via a Wim Proplus or BlueSound?

                                  Many thanks


                                  in reply to: Need help linking NAS with BeoLab 5+9 #50149
                                  BRONZE Member

                                    I need to decide what Node /System to get to work with the BO equipment.  I might upgrade my older Synology DiskStation as well.  So still researching on what options make most sense except the Moment was a big waste of money– or at least for a large DNLA. It seemed to crash and hunt all the time and as a result– it looks nice but that is the total function and BO tech support are no where to be found….disappointing how BO have gone downhill IMHO in the past decade.

                                    in reply to: Need help linking NAS with BeoLab 5+9 #50146
                                    BRONZE Member

                                      Many thanks for your response.  Am I correct I understanding that by using the Bluesound Nodes and streamer this would all be done via wifi which I assume will not be the same quality sound as hardwired with large (16tb) lossless library.  Does the Wiim ProPlus negate the wifi aspect?  It looks like the Bluesound control and OS is slick and not sure if WIIM offer a similar approach.  Maybe I missed it, but can the Bluesound work over a network and not wifi and with a Synology DiskStation NAS?

                                      I am trying to find a ‘simple’ approach as the whole B+O Moment was a nightmare in so many ways and a product dead on arrival– although aesthetically lovely.


                                      in reply to: Need help linking NAS with BeoLab 5+9 #50143
                                      BRONZE Member

                                        Thank you for your note.  I have found the Moment to be a very slow and frustrating experience.  Yes, it works “sometimes” and is continually hunting and often need to rebuild the DNLA which drives me mad.

                                        I have heard that using a streamer like WIIM Pro Plus is a much slicker solution which will permit switching rooms (from BeoLab 5, 9 and cubes).

                                        Do you have any experience with these ‘streamers’– sounds too good to be true, DAC and this way you can keep the analog cabling for speaker I believe.  I don’t know if you still use Powerlink cabling with this method and trying to figure this out as i am building a new home with polished concrete floors and want to cable in the floor.
                                        Many thanks

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