Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoVision CRT – Visual issue on MX8000 (with 576i?)

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  • #36267
    BRONZE Member

      I have an issue with my B&O MX8000 which I am trying to use for old games.

      When playing in 240p I seemingly do not experience this issue but when using either my Playstation 2 or 3 thru a RGB scart cable (happens with composite as well) I see this awful issue when panning. It almost looks like playing interlaced content on a regular monitor that doesn’t deinterlace. I have tried to capture it, in a video. Especially obvious around the 6 second mark.

      I can’t find anyone describing the same issue. I’ve looked around in the service menu but nothing seems related to this. The whole toggleable deinterlace function only existed with the MX7000, anyway.

      Does anyone have an idea?

      BRONZE Member

        Which PS2 games did you try, I can compare on my MX8000, I see what you mean in the video, that’s a really weird issue.

        BRONZE Member

          Which PS2 games did you try, I can compare on my MX8000, I see what you mean in the video, that’s a really weird issue.

          The GTA games. Vice City and III.

          It’s such a weird issue. No idea what to do. Shame to throw out a MX8000 over it before I dont have space to just store it 🙁

          BRONZE Member

            Cool, I have GTA: Vice City and 3, any particular spots, If you take another video of both etc I can try and replicated the same scene/see if I get the same issue.

            Where are you based? I have an MX7000 and MX8000 and whilst I’ve barely used the 8000 yet, its low hour and the colours are stunning!

            BRONZE Member

              Looks like an interlacing problem. Can you change output resolution on the PS2 and PS3? Or the refresh rate?

              I doubt you can change any useful setting on the MX8000

              Refresh rate should be 25 or 50Hz.

              Resolution 576i or 576p or PAL (I assume you are in europe?)

              Location: Netherlands
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