Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoSound Totaly weird behaviour of the horizontal Beosound 9000 with Beo4

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  • #52407
    BRONZE Member

    Hi guys,

    i am close to getting nuts.

    I have 3 Beosound 9000 here and also a couple of Beo4.


    All Beosound 9000 work perfectly with every Beo4 when mounted vertically on the stand.

    When i lay it down horizontally on the table stand (and of course change the arrows on the back) ALL three Beosound 9000 do not react properly to the Beo4 commands. They do, but you need to press several times the same button, get closer to the BS, change angles – all that stuff.

    And i hear the Beo4 commands in the loudspeakers (Beolab 6000). A small buzz with every click.

    I have absolutely no clue, why the position of the BS should have an impact on the remote control behaviour.


    Happy for any help


    BRONZE Member

    I think i have an idea. After searching half of the internet and finding one post with some inteference to a plasma screen in the same room – i turned of the light above the player and now it works much better. WEIRD

    So it has something to do with the LED lights in my wall lamp.


    But – i can still hear the commands of the beo4 with a small buzz in the loudspeaker.


    Any idea?


    Best  regards


    BRONZE Member

    Ok, solved also the buzz problem. Connected different cables to the Beolabs and now it sounds fine.






    both plasma and bad/poor enginering leds

    can cause disturbing of ir for b&o because it

    Interfeering on 455khz frequens that b&o use

    BRONZE Member

    Thanx. By hiding the connector section it worked. Was some interference

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