Home Forums General Discussion & Questions serial number and date of manufacture

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  • #48298
    GOLD Member

      Hi,Could any one tell me the year of manufacture of an item starting with serial number 24 pls? Ive lost my list I downloaded a while back. Thanks

      GOLD Member
        • Burgundy


        It would be really nice to have an Excel chart with all the SN.

        We have that for Quad, Philips…

        Martin? ?

        SILVER Member
          • The Netherlands

          This is what I have (see attachment). It does not list 24xx xxxx. But I guess it will be like 2013 / 2014.

          BRONZE Member
            • Denmark

            I saw elsewhere on the Internet that one could also extract the month from the serial – anybody knows how to decode that?

            BRONZE Member

              I have a slightly different list, so some further insights are clearly needed. The last few years are definitely correct (ie the Theatre in 2022). So counting back it should be fine for a while.


              B&O Serials

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