Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoSystem Scratch removal on Beosystem 4500 and Beocenter 9500

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  • #56056
    BRONZE Member

    Hello everybody!

    Does anyone know how to remove scratches on mirror-like metal surfaces of the Beosystem 4500 (or Beocenter 9500)?

    Is it possible to polish? If yes do you recommend some product and technique?


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    Location: Portugal
    BRONZE Member
    On jpoliv said

    Is it possible to polish?

    Technically, yes. Practically, no.

    I believe that the finish on that is polished aluminum with a clear anodized coating. The anodizing is a very thin, hard, protective layer that is scratch resistant and eliminates oxidation. Any attempt at polishing would likely remove this layer before removing the scratch.

    So technically, you could simply polish the panels. However, they would only look good for a short time before the getting scratched again and becoming dull from oxidation. This would start an endless cycle of constant polishing.

    The recently polished panel could be top coated with something to protect it. The best choice for this is clear anodizing (which is not a DIY finish). There are many clear spray finishes that could be applied, but it won’t look the same as original.

    Personally, I would just live with the scratches. If they really, really bother you… Buy a nicer, pristine example of the same piece of equipment. The cost of the new equipment could be offset by selling the scratched one and the money you saved by not messing with scratch removal.


    p.s.  You can verify the finish by lightly touching the panel with a multimeter measuring ohms. The anodized layer is electrically non-conductive.

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