Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoVox RL 60 ABR replacement

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    SILVER Member

      I’ve got a pair of RL 60’s that I bought with no ABR. I’ve looked up some posts that have a plate that can be 3d printed. Can anyone guide me in the right direction, as to be sure I repair the speakers properly. The printed parts I found on line ( Files ) are out there, but has anyone tried them ? The files I found are on yeggi.com under Bang & Olufsen RL 60 . If there are others I should explore can you please let me know.

      Thanks guys

      Stephen ( Graydon )

      BRONZE Member

        Hi Stephen,

        Looks pretty nice, I think it will be hard to find a better replacement anywhere.Worth a try!

        I saved a picture of an official ABR replacement once, I’ll add it to this post. Looks very similar.rl60-baspoort

        Location: Netherlands
        GOLD Member

          Happy to help print the parts if you decide to do so, just PM me. Although I can’t verify the fitment as I don’t have a pair of those speakers on hand.

          Location: San Francisco
          My B&O Icons: BeosoundBeosound-MomentBeomasterBeogram-400x
          SILVER Member

            Hi Evan

            Thanks for the offer to print the parts. I went to the SLC Library today and they are going to try and print one out for me. Not sure if it will fit their machine. They said they would try but it will print on an angle with supports. You probably know more about that than me. If it fails they wont charge me, and I’ll be sending you a note. Either way I’ll let you know what the outcome is. I really appreciate the offer of help. I also found a file for the tube that attaches instead of PVC pipe. It will look just like the B & O replacement part. We will see …..Again Thank You

            GOLD Member

              Either way – let us know how it turns out! For future use it would be good to attach copies of the exact files used. All I could find was the plate with a hole in it.

              Location: San Francisco
              My B&O Icons: BeosoundBeosound-MomentBeomasterBeogram-400x
              SILVER Member

                Hi Evan

                Here are the files for the parts I had printed. Over all the parts came out NICE. A little touch-up with a dremel tool and they fit perfect and tight. I’ll be putting them together tonight with silicone glue and test run will follow in the morning.   IMG_20230810_150152385IMG_20230810_150208398IMG_20230812_154203469

                SILVER Member

                  The system won’t let me post STL files. Here is the site for the plate  https://www.thingiverse.com

                  Search Bang & Olufsen Redline 60 repair plate. For the port I went to https://grabcad.com/library/beovox-redline-60-port-1#! On that web site I did have to make an account to down load.

                  Both Sites list STL files for 3D printing of the parts. I put them on a thumb drive and my local library printed them for the cost of the plastic.

                  (Just a note …the 2 holes in the center of the plate need to filled with silicone. They are guide holes if you want to print a filler plate. I felt no need to do this. We will see ..right ? )

                  Thanks Stephen


                  GOLD Member

                    Hey Stephen – looks really good! Only thing I would add is some dynamat or similar material to dampen that plate a bit.


                    Location: San Francisco
                    My B&O Icons: BeosoundBeosound-MomentBeomasterBeogram-400x
                    BRONZE Member

                      Very nice!

                      Do seal the holes. They may cause whistling noises. I agree with evan on the damping material, the seal between the plate and the rest of the housing should be airtight and not rattle to prevent noises.

                      Location: Netherlands
                      SILVER Member

                        Hi again

                        Well I took Evans advice and added some damping to the plate.( Dynamat ) The plates were sealed with silicone and air tight for sure. They are now assembled and sound fantastic. They sounded like rubbish before the upgrade and now sound nearly as good as my RL60-2. I think the difference is the woofers. I understand they made a change on the RL60-2 woofers. ( Correct me if I’m wrong. ) But none the less they sound very good AGAIN. Thanks for your replies and advice on the repairs. Went far better, and easier than I anticipated. Another pair of B & O speakers saved.

                        If anyone has any questions about the repair, please feel free to e-mail me or post it.

                        My best to all

                        BRONZE Member

                          Thanks for the update and thanks for sharing the process! Great find and great project!

                          RL60 are a very nice loudspeaker. I read on beoworld that the original ABR’s were a tad better in the bass deparment then RL60.2 with its bass port, but at the cost of fragility with the foam.

                          Finally a solution to save these nice speakers.

                          Location: Netherlands
                          GOLD Member

                            Glad to read the follow up and happy the speakers are performing the way they should!

                            Location: San Francisco
                            My B&O Icons: BeosoundBeosound-MomentBeomasterBeogram-400x
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