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  • #45992
    David Andel
    BRONZE Member

    So sad to hear! He was much more part of this community than anybody else and perhaps the biggest “fanboy” of B&O. His drawings always reminded me weirdly of what I did while still in school and technology seemed to be able to solve nearly everything. And while his counterparts over in the Apple universe can get quite aggressive (a friend of mine called them “Stalinists”), Peter Pan never was. Even if I do not believe at all in an afterlife I still hope he finds some great danish sound in eternity!

    My condolences to all those who loved him.

    Keith Saunders
    FOUNDER Member

    Peter Pans Hjemmebio, – interface – tips & tricks will not be forgotten HERE

    Location: Hampshire, England
    FOUNDER Member


    Thanks, Keith.

    Location: Brittany, France
    My B&O Icons: No description available No description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description available No description available No description availableNo description available No description available
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