Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoMaster Recapping Beomaster 6000 Problems! Danishsoundparts kit.

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  • #61878
    BRONZE Member

      Hi there Beoworld.

      i’m looking at an annoying fault after replacing the caps in the power supply of my Beomaster 6000 Type 2251. this was a fully functional unit that I noticed was getting quite hot.

      I have recapped PCB 16 and 9 and now the unit, after plugging in the mains, shows a P on the display.

      i read the topics about this issue on the archived forum but those were units that were broken before the refurb work.

      Can anyone help. I have 0.36 v on pin 3 and 4 from connector P5 so I know that is low. also I have a trimmer (R4) on PCB 16 that I cant find any info on.

      Greets Ary

      BRONZE Member

        A general initial checklist…

        1. Verify the polarity of the capacitors that you swapped
        2. Check the connectors for cold solder joints and reflow if needed. You may have opened up something when you were handing things
        3. Verify voltages at the power supply and on the CPU board
        4. Adjust the reset circuit EXACTLY like stated in the service manual

        The machine working before you started is a good start. However, you had to “look at the machine” to do the capacitor swap. It seems that sometime that is all that is needed to break a Beomaster. ๐Ÿ˜‰


        BRONZE Member

          Thanks Glitch

          you are right sometimes just breathing on one of these old trimmers makes them fall apart. I replaced all the trimmers on the pcb 16 and 6, made the adjustments and its up and running again. its still not very happy though…. the power supply is running warm mainly 16r12 and ic1 even on standby it gets above luke warm even the transformer so im assuming something is drawing current anyway i made a new post for that.

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