Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoCord Reattaching nuts for back screws

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    Stein Erik Hanssen
    BRONZE Member

    I am working on a Beocord 9000 and need help with reattaching the small movable nuts that secure the back screws (for opening the “clamp”). These nuts have fallen out/are missing, and I am struggling to access the area where they need to be placed. How to safely open or disassemble the necessary parts of the Beocord 9000 to access for reinstalling the nuts?

    BRONZE Member

    IIRC, the nuts are square shaped and fit into a captive slot from the top of the machine. To get to the left nut, the glass display panel needs to be removed. Press down and slide the black faceplate bar to the right and remove it. The glass panel should come out by lifting the bottom and sliding sliding it down. The right nut is more difficult. The hinged panel is held in by three “clips” along the top edge. These clips are stiff, brittle and break easily. Only deflect them as little as necessary to get them to release. I do this with the lid open and start from the leftmost clip. Apply slight outward pressure to the faceplate and use a screwdriver to back-off the clip. After the first one is done, do the others from left to right. Beware that the silicone grease from the lid damper may have leaked and may be messy.

    A trick for reassembly is to move the two slider pots to the bottom position and install the hinged cover part way. Move the sliders a bit to engage them into the “slider knobs”. Also make sure that the switch covers are fully engaged before fully reengaging the clips. I try to limit the number of times removing the hinged panel to reduce the chances of breaking a clip.

    My description is from memory, so I may have missed a step. Others may have a better way of doing this. I recall the instructions in the service manual weren’t very helpful.

    Good luck,



    Stein Erik Hanssen
    BRONZE Member

    Thank you so much. I was missing the one under the glass panel and it was super easy to fix following your instructions. Thank you 🙂

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