Home Forums General Discussion & Questions Question about Safety – Thermal Paste Beovision Lx4500 & Beomaster 5000

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  • #58677
    Kilian Goderis
    BRONZE Member


      I was working on my beomaster 5000, Beovision Mx4000 and beovision lx4500 last week, but lefted them asside for a few days because they made me a bit scared. I became sceptic about the thermal pastes those were present in these devices and was wondering if someone could give me an answer on the following question.

      I found out there was a beryllium oxide cooling paste in the past, some said the aluminium/silicone was introduced in the 90s. And now I’m wondering if they really used the beryllium paste in de B&O devices? I already separated a transistor from the cooling element of the beovision Lx4500, without any mask/gloves. Also the transparant capacitor cover in the beomaster 5000 scraped a bit of the thermal paste off, which I couldn’t avoid :/.


      Thanks in advance,





      BRONZE Member

        Never heard of it before, quickly read couple of threads (links below) and the general consensus seems that unless it’s in breathable partciles/ingested, it shouldn’t be that dangerous. I don’t think any thermal paste I’ve ever removed was anywhere close to being a powder.

        Also the last link suggests that it would’ve been banned by the 90’s, and only been used in larger volumes up to 1970’s.





        Location: Helsinki - Finland
        Kilian Goderis
        BRONZE Member


          Sorry for my delayed answer, I realy appreciate your detailed post!

          Indeed, I’m afraid there is also not a lot of (objective)information about it.

          I believe that the thermal paste I handled also wasn’t dried out. When i removed the pressure clip of the transistor. The paste kept the transistor nicely pressed against the cooling plate. I’m not sure if this is a good refference.

          Thanks again,


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