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Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram preamp suggestions for beogram 4002

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  • #51292
    BRONZE Member

    I just purchased a mint Beogram 4002 and would love suggestions for an inexpensive  preamp for it. I bought a Pyle for my TX and it’s a pile of junk. After two years of use it started buzzing, and to answer your questions I haven’t moved it since I bought it. Have tested it out and yes the Pyle is going by by.

    So I would love suggeston on weather to go with a vacume tube or non unit. Blue my budget on the 4002 and am trying to keep the price around $150 max. So any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    As for my TX it is in wonderful condition, and may list it here to sell. So any suggestions on price to sell her fore would be aprreciated. It does have a mmc2 on her

    GOLD Member


    Some suggestions about  buildt in solutions for Beogram 4002 / 4004/ 6000 :

    The solution from “Beolover” is very impressive, plug and play you can buy it on the E-B …. auction platform, search for:

    Beogram 4002 and 4004 Phono RIAA Pre-Amplifier – Easy No Soldering Installation.

    For more information look on Beolvers Blog.

    Have not heard it so far but there are some points where you could adjust the RIAA to you favorite sound I guess, would be very interesting in my opinion.

    The second solution for a build in preamp is like this from danish Soeren Claudius:

    Have alredy mounted 5 of these for several projects and it’sworking great.

    A little bit of soldering needed but no big deal and a good value for the money my opinion.


    The third I know about is from Jacob Rungwald, member of facebook group Beogram 400/4002….

    This is a plug and play RIAA version and has implemneted a IR remote function via DataLink

    (Beomaster 4500 or similar is needed) so you could controll the Beogram with a BEO 4, Beolink 1000 or similar.

    You have to get in touch with Jacob and ask for  avaiability and price.

    Thousands of extern Preamps a avaiable quality from crap to high end, like the prices from a few Bucks up to  somewhere ;-))

    So it’s your choice

    Kind regards


    BRONZE Member

    I’m also interested in a new RIAA for my 4002. The solution from Claudius is quite affordable compared to the one from Beolover. Do you know how these sound? Do they both sound equally good? Do they sound better than an external RIAA in the €20o-300 range?

    I have a brand new pair of Beolab 8 in stereo setup where the 4002 is connected with external RIAA (iFi Audio Zen Phono) and then into usb-c-line in on the Beolab 8.

    No too satisfied with the sound and thinking an internal RIAA might be better.







    That official picture from B&O Mediabank led me to investigate that topic.

    Capture d’écran 2023-12-15 à 13.12.33
    I found out, after many cheap RIAA attempts something called TC4 was a quite good (for my ears) substitute.

    Maybe blurred by the fact that it looks like THE one.

    Anyway if you look for a cheap RIAA and you’re over 45 and not working in a submarine, I encourage you to try it. Avoid the ones that connects directly to mains: the transformer is inside the box and creates a rumble.

    Location: Paris France
    GOLD Member

    As I already mentionee

    d, it upon your amount of money you will spend for an build in RIAA.

    I´ve not heard the one from Beolover but he´s always on top with his development and he makes a great job. He´s not just firing out some products but he is thinking and thinking about to make things better , my opinion an many others I belive.

    What I heard about the Zen Phono preamp was that it is a very well made and sounding RIAA, but even this one I´ve not heard.

    The Claudius product seems to be grounded on the RIAA from Beogram 4500/ 7000 with some silde variations here and there. He´s doing a fine Job too and will help you kindly and friendly with problems related to his products if you have problems. I´ve had no problems so far.

    So there are are mountain of RIAA´s to look for and the choice is yours.

    For the external RIAA´s check the several  HiFi and HiEnd related Forums. There you can read years and will not find the right one 😉

    That´s all from me to say, because it will end in a endless thread ;-))

    Put the needle on the record and dont talk about it , listening is believing;-)))

    Kind regards


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