Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Play in DIN cable Beogram 3000

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  • #41357
    BRONZE Member



      I have a Beogram 3000 turntable connected to a Beomaster 3000, it has the original 7-pin data link cable that has worked properly for years.


      But now it seems like there is a play in the cable and the sound gets laggy/faints.

      If a fiddle a bit with the cable where it connects to Phono input on the Beomaster it makes it better/worse.


      Could I troubleshoot this somehow? How easy is it to replace the cable?

      Gravity Graham
      BRONZE Member

        It sounds as if the phono plug has a bad/dry joint.
        I would open up the 7 pin DIN from the BeoGram, and check the  soldered connections.
        I have found that if I warm up the plastic sleeve on the plug, that it can be slowly pulled back to give you a better idea.  Otherwise, I suggest getting a new 7-pin DIN and cutting the sleeve off, make a note of which wire is on which pin, then simply replace the plug with the new one. (Remembering to slide the sleeve onto the cable first – been there and made that error in the past !)
        Hope this helps – Graham

        Location: Cornwall, UK
        BRONZE Member

          Thank you @gravity-graham this is how the wire looks, I have no idea how they should look? Is there a scheme you can see somewhere?





          BRONZE Member

            There is a blue cable that is not connected to anything and it looks to be at least 2 pols that is not connected, could this be the problem?





            BRONZE Member

              Any help?

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