Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab Penta Display removal and repairs

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    BRONZE Member
    1. Help needed, how is the display and display PCB removed for repair. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I’ve re-foamed all mids and have main amps ready recapping etc. My repair kit came with the caps for displays, so may as well??
    2. I also worked out a useful hack to clean up mid.IMG_20220529_111949sped up the process 10fold


    BRONZE Member

    I am in the same proces ..What is your hack to clean ,And where did you buy the repair kit

    with the caps for display ..i search everywhere and cant find any that sell them.


    Mfg jes

    BRONZE Member

    “Beolab Penta Amplifier capacitor and service kit” from Beoparts included the extra caps for the displays.

    This long, but thorough video is a must


    from New Zealand is pretty expensive to get speaker parts and electronics from UK or USA so I sourced rubbers from Aliexpress, but if I did them again id probably use genuine as they have the inner angle set right.

    My Hack was as pictured- use a plastic lid from a jar of screws as a bath, fill it with acetone, methanol or alike. It holds the speaker clear of the fluid except for the rim, Also if you know of anyone that has a distillery ask them for the Foreshot it’s usually thrown away and works a treat.


    BRONZE Member

    Super ..Thank you .

    BRONZE Member

    beopart SKU:SK-003 ?

    BRONZE Member

    Damn it didn’t post my message.


    ‘lightitup’ thanks for recommending my video – it means a lot to think others are getting value from it.

    I saw this thread and couldn’t resist jumping in with a display recap video to help out.


    BRONZE Member
    1. Thanks again David you gave me the courage to16561070058941818157796976484178 pull a bit harder ? the Penta 1 doesn’t have the screws the first display cover is the same the next screen cover also unclips with 3 small pegs “brittle” then the digit board hinges up slightly and unplugs downward and then the other boards slide and unplug the same or I suppose the whole thing should just pull out as one, but you would be relying on the three brittle clips ?16561069345757823061935075682713

    thanks again regards Brad

    BRONZE Member

    Update Penta 1 display (that I have aren’t covered by the SK-003 recapp kit??from beoparts, 1656116366597926801175037094497needed are 2 of each 16v 2200uf

    16v 10uf

    10v 47uf



    BRONZE Member

    Thanks for the posts! Martin never claimed his kit covers the MK1 displays, I’m not sure why he doesn’t have a kit for those.

    But that’s really good photos to see! I’ve got a MK3 screen here I’m going to do a quick vid on probably, so then we have videos of MK2 and MK3 and your photos of MK1!

    It’s surprising how different those MK1 displays are in technology. I’d love to see more pictures of the overlay piece that sits in front of the segment displays.

    If you can get in there, could you take a snap of the big IC chip, I’d love to know if that chip remains the same across all 3 which I ‘think’ it does.

    BRONZE Member


    BRONZE Member

    Thanks, David for your enthusiasm. it is nice to know someone is far more interested them than my wife, hahaha. So as you will notice definitely not a perfect match, from the other signs of damage also I assume one of the displays has been fully replaced, with completely different components and display lens. Ohh and if you’re wondering I didn’t have any Axial Caps 2200uf so had to improvise, for now, the existing ones were well out 2605uf and 1815uf, I might look at a mkII display upgrade in the future, also I’m not sure whether to pair them with the 9500 or my new acquisition  Beovision Avant 32RF  (i need to claim another room in the house first) regards BradPenta_1_Display_IMG2

    BRONZE Member

    Just an addition in case anyone else is crying over broken Amber covers, as they are so brittle, they do glue nicely (well enough) back together with the “bondic UV” still working on the holding pegs wont be as easy to hide like the smoked covers.Penta_1_glued_cover2_IMGPenta_1_glued_cover_IMG

    BRONZE Member

    Very VERY interesting! Incredible to see 2 different front face plates for the Mk1 displays! Also interesting to see the ‘big chip’ it is not the same as the MK3 I’ve checked, and I suspect that is the same as the MK2 (although I haven’t checked that yet. As I said on your Avant post, reach out directly I’d enjoy having a proper chat 🙂


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