Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoCenter On connecting a Beomaster 1900 with a set of Beolab Penta

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    Frederik G
    BRONZE Member

    Hi there!

    I have been lucky enough to acquire both a working Beomaster 1900 as well as a set of Beolab Pentas (Type 6631, MKIII). These I am currently running with a Pioneer SA-508 using an Attenuated Convertor kit (similar to this one: https://soundsheavenly.com/line-in-connection/33-power-amplifier-to-beolab-line-in-attenuated-convertor-kit.html) running into the Line-In.

    I suppose I can use the two 2-pin DIN output from the 1900, split them into positive and negative, and then connect them to the Attenuated Convertor which outputs a Line signal I currently use.

    Is there a smarter way to connect them to the 1900? Looking for any kind of input, and thanks in advance!

    Best regards,



    FOUNDER Member

    You can use the Beomaster 1900 with Beolab Pentas using the speaker link function. The amplified signal is attentuated by the Penta – you set it up using the controls on the drop down flap – this is a link to the manual telling you how to do it.


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