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  • #52871
    BRONZE Member

      Hi all,

      I have a 5500 turntable that I have been working on for the past few days. When I received it the arm drive wire had fallen out of place. I have since reinstalled the wire drive and adjusted the tone arm. The needle now lands on the record and the arm reruns home. Great news. Now for the bad. I picked up a cheap 7pin din to rca from Amazon plugged it into my phono and nothing. There is plenty of humming which is reduced with a ground wire but I can’t hear any audio through the speakers. When I tap the bottom of the tone arm I hear some vibration transferring to the speakers but not when I touch the needed. (Don’t worry I didn’t touch it a lot). I looked at the manual and saw a mute switch ohm test which I did. Open I got 0 and closed it read .67 (not 1) is this something to be concerned about? I’m not sure what to try next. Can anyone point me in the direction of any diagnostic tests to narrow down what my issue could be.

      Thank you,



      BRONZE Member

        I should also mention the needle is good. I tried it in my other Beogram and it works. I know this doesn’t  matter but I can hear the music coming off the needle so I know it’s doing what it’s supposed to do.

        BRONZE Member

          I solved my own problem. For anyone possibly having similar issues. The 7pin din converter I bought is incompatible with B&O. A lesson in always reading the review before buying.

          GOLD Member

            Hello Ryan, great that you found the issue, and thanks for sharing that. These DIN to RCA adapter cables can look the same, but can be wired very differently. Many of us found that out I guess 🙂

            Regards, Johan

            Location: Netherlands
            My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-10Beosound-5Beoremote-OneBeoplay-A1
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