Home Forums General Discussion & Questions New products for 2023/24

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  • #49835
    BRONZE Member

      Any news or strong rumours of new products for coming coming months?

      BRONZE Member

        New pair of headphones. Two pairs of earphones. Two pair of Cisco-branded devices.

        Not sure about speakers 🙂

        FOUNDER Member

          I believe there will be a Beolink product.

          I would speculate that a black box device will either convert a multichannel audio output from a HDMI output and either re-broadcasts /output that signal as individual channels on different WISA (or wireless PL) frequencies such that B&O devices that are WISA-enabled Beosounds (and not Beolabs) can be used as satellite speakers in a surround setup. This could enable products like the Balance to act in a surround setup.

          An alternative view is based on the same principle, the Beolink product “beams” a source signal to all Mozart products simultaneously (rather than internally from the Beosound/source) to enable around the house synchronisation of sound (B&O have struggled to implement this via tuning of the Mozart firmware?


          BRONZE Member
            • Flensborg————Danmark


            convert a multichannel audio output from a HDMI output
            Which B&O product has a HDMI output?

            “…that B&O devices that are WISA-enabled Beosounds (and not Beolabs)….
            There are no WiSA-enabled Beosounds.


            BRONZE Member


              BRONZE Member


                This A6 version looks awesome!

                FOUNDER Member

                  @Mr10% “convert a multichannel audio output from a HDMI output” Which B&O product has a HDMI output? “…that B&O devices that are WISA-enabled Beosounds (and not Beolabs)….” There are no WiSA-enabled Beosounds. MM

                  Maybe Im missing something? But I mean those funny-shaped holes on the back of the Stage?

                  Plug potential Beolink product into a Stage HDMI (or the panel)……..which then (potentially) transmits to multiple Beosound Balance or Edge etc….as separate surround channels (rather than a combined single-source channel ).

                  The same principle also applies if you make this potential link product connect to a “Master” BeoSound and let it transmit say Radio or DNLA file to other non-integratable Beosound products. This would over-come the sync/latency issues of multiple round-the-house Beosounds all not syncing together as we have it now.

                  …..oh and for the pedantic, maybe not WISA or wireless Powerlink but some sort of low-latency transmission to these non-integratable products? Please work with me on the principle/concept and not the minutiae of the detail for as yet an imaginary/unconfirmed product . thankyou

                  BRONZE Member

                    I really hope you are right Mr10Percent. I know a lot of Stage-owners who really love their product just have that “small” wish that they could connect some surround speakers or subwoofer to the system. I really hope that B&O listens to the wishes of the customers. Like you said it could be a transmitter only for Beosound products. I am sure that this would increase the sales of Beosound products by a lot & not hinder the sales of the Beolab products.


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