Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab Mounting Beolab 7-2 on a horizon stand

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  • #63280
    BRONZE Member

      Dear forum.

      I have an LG OLED mountet on a Beovision Horizon stand (the round one).

      I have recently bought a Beolab 7-2 soundbar that I wish to mount on the Horizon stand. I have the original bracket for the soundbar but do not know how to Mount it best. I’m no craftsman so help is much appreciated.IMG_1098IMG_1097

      My B&O Icons: Beosound-StageBeosound-EdgeBeoplay-M5Beoplay-A8
      BRONZE Member

        Hello Boj,

        how big is the distance between the two black feets of the stand?

        You could have a narrow metal plate made with two threaded holes. It could be wedged with long screws and thus hold. Maybe add a padding to each one side so that the black foot is not damaged?

        Best regards

        BRONZE Member

          Finally Got the 7-2 mounted on a Horizon stand. Unfortunately to low so I have to redo it next weekend. Thanks to Kirin for the advice.

          My B&O Icons: Beosound-StageBeosound-EdgeBeoplay-M5Beoplay-A8
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