• This topic has 5 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Mark.
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  • #53887
    BRONZE Member

    Hello, I’m new to the forum but any help would be greatly appreciated!

    I suspect that the suspension arm on my needle has broken but before committing to purchasing a new one, would like to find conformation on here. When playing a record, the sound quality is fuzzy and obviously not playing right. I had the counterweight set to 1.2 as per the manual. I’ve increased this and notice it does start to sound better but this has now gone over the scale indicated on the arm. It now quite aggressively drops the needle into the cartridge when playing  but the sound quality is great, but I still feel that the needle is broken and want to avoid causing damage to the records. I’ve attached pictures for reference.

    BRONZE Member

    Yes,your suspect is realty ,or new cartridge , no second hand , for U.S . much money  but  no problem or you must modify tonearm for a TP4 cartdrige.YES   is a complicate work  for dismanteling ,recable and rebalance tonearm but is  possible and no problem in future for change needle  , otherwise change a turntable with normal cartridge  , i have make this modify for a BEOGRAM 5500 many years ago a nightmare and for normal tonearm magnesium black in this time for a beocenter 4600 and 7002  yes  is orrible solution but play very fine   sorry for my little english from Italy

    BRONZE Member


    Keep it original, you can get your cartridge repaired here https://www.tonabnehmerservice.de/ I have gotten repaired various SP and MMC s there, good service and quality work

    Location: Mexico city

    I’m with the sombrero guy, If you want to Frankenstein your deck, better sell it for parts to another B&O enthusiasts a buy a deck with “usuAT” cartridges…

    If you like the soul of your turntable, yes it costs a little but…


    Location: Paris France
    BRONZE Member
    • Thank you all for the response. I’ve decided to go for a new stylus from soundsmith in hope that this will square away the problems as I don’t want to make any modifications to the record player based on sentimental reasons. Generally grateful for the feedback and hope I can return the favour to others when better educated on issues that might arise.
    FOUNDER Member

    I have a couple of soundsmith cartridges and I am very happy with them so I think you made a good decision.  I understand the desire to keep the turntable 100% B&O with a rebuilt MMC cartridge as the B&O cartridge has a little more refined look to them, and I’ve heard they sound a bit different.  Better or worse is subjective but I hear that Peter can build or modify the cartridge to sound like the original B&O, but I don’t have any experience in that.

    I hope you enjoy the turntable and the experience!


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