Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions Other Midrange speakers on my Penta – If one speaker is dead do they all not work?

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    BRONZE Member

    Followup to this post. So I got the cap kit, and replaced everything required (boy were the crossovers easier than the amp!!). The bass significantly was improved in quality. However the mid speakers remained unchanged.. not working. I removed the mid/tweeter speaker assembly and replaced with the same assembly from the other Penta. BOOM! Worked great! That leaves the problem residing in the speakers themselves.

    Got out my multimeter, and checked continuity. 3 speakers were good, the last one, no continuity…..

    Now this is where the newbie in me goes “OOOOOH DUH”: I should have checked the speakers first, before refoaming them………. I’m nearly in tears that I’m going to have to spend $50 to replace the speaker but also purchase and refoam the NEW speaker presumably..

    So my question is, could this bad speaker be the reason NONE of the mids work? It is the speaker connected to the green wire that is dead. By my reading of the schematic, I would have thought at least the two outside speakers in the assembly (the one attached to the blue wire and the bottom) would potentially work still..

    I’ve already put (I refuse to use the word “sunk”) around $200 into these Pentas, between purchasing them, the foam, and the amp/crossover kit. I understand that is an incredibly good deal, even for where I am, I  just want to make sure I’m on the right path.. I assume bridging and bypassing the dead speaker would damage the other 3.. Any guidance would be appreciated!


    An open-circuit midrange will see all four going silent.

    I have one, refoamed and ready.
    PM me if you need.


    BRONZE Member


    one of my penta speakers has now got a orange light at the bottom. Even when using the power switch if moved to off – it’s still orange.

    the other speaker is fine and working


    ive checked the wires and all look ok. Any ideas?

    BRONZE Member

    I had a similar situation, if you unplug the amp and plug it back in does it go green (when you have it on) for a few seconds? What I read was orange means there’s a problem with the amp. Getting the cap kit seems to have fixed the problem as I have not had the orange ligjt since I replaced the capacitors.

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