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  • #58625
    BRONZE Member

      Ik heb een vraagje, ik wilde graag 2 petten van B&O bestellen op de site maar met paypal gaat dit niet. Verzendkosten komen er niet bij. Heb Multicare gecontacteerd via mail en instagram hierover maar totnogtoe geen reactie ontvangen 🤷.  Iemand idee waarom het zolang duurt voor ze reageren?

      GOLD Member


        Thank you for letting us know about this. I hope the issue has been resolved for you now.

        It appears we didn’t receive your email or Instagram message

        Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
        Favorite Product: BeoGram 400x
        Signature: Multicare Electronics - Bang & Olufsen classic service centre.
        Repairs and refurbishment to both old and new.
        My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-TheatreBeosound-9000Beoremote-OneBeolitBeolab-18Beogram-400x
        BRONZE Member

          Thank you. Another quesrion, the shipment is it including taxes because i’m living in Belgium….


          GOLD Member


            There may be local import taxes / duties payable but we will try to eliminate or reduce where possible.

            Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
            Favorite Product: BeoGram 400x
            Signature: Multicare Electronics - Bang & Olufsen classic service centre.
            Repairs and refurbishment to both old and new.
            My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-TheatreBeosound-9000Beoremote-OneBeolitBeolab-18Beogram-400x
            BRONZE Member

              Hello, thank you. It is mot so easy anymore to order goods from UK if you are living in Europe, with tje expensive taxes 🤷

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