Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLink Master link Audio Master

  • This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Frog.
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  • #43812
    GOLD Member


      what is the easiest way to add the signal in Masterlink to convince other devices that a ML Ausio master is attached?

      I note that in the ML/NL converter you can get a box that will do that, but what does it do?


      maybe it would be easy to make one? Any idea of what voltage and what wire on the ML connector is needed?

      GOLD Member

        If I understand you correct it might be the 1611 Beolink converter you are looking for. Take a look in this rather long thread


        it will give both a audio and a video source availeble on Masterlink.

        Meaning you can from a Beovision with masterlink press any audiosource button and the 1611 Beolink converter will activate the correct input pins (1, 4 and 2 for audio) in its datalink connector.

        Also see Matadors very informative drawing where it is used with a Beolab 3500 as a stand alone solution https://forum.beoworld.org/forums/topic/beolab-3500-and-1611-converter-settings/page/4/#post-14017


        Location: Denmark
        GOLD Member

          I think what you are saying is that if I attach a 1611, then I won’t need an audio master? I’m not using datalink, just ML and NL.

          GOLD Member

            I think that would be the case depending on your setup and goal. My knowledge of the ML/NL converter is limited, so my answer is for the ML part.

            in the linked thread it was tested with both Beolab 2000 and 3500 as well as different Beovisions and a Beport without other components in the Masterlink chain.

            Location: Denmark
            GOLD Member

              I think what you are saying is that if I attach a 1611, then I won’t need an audio master? I’m not using datalink, just ML and NL.

              That is what the ML-Powerbox does.
              This was introduced at a time where B&O did not make the 1611 anymore.



              Location: Flensborg————Danmark
              GOLD Member


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