Home Forums General Discussion & Questions [London] Where to purchase Online from PowerLink RJ45 to RJ45

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  • #53370
    Paul Jordan
    BRONZE Member

      Hi Beoworld,

      Would you please guide me where to purchase online from PowerLink 3 or 5m RJ45 to RJ45 cables? London preferred as location.

      FOUNDER Member


        Steve, from Sounds Heavenly is the best source for B&O cables online.




        Location: Brittany, France
        My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 BeovoxBeosound-TheatreBeoremote-OneBeoplay-P2Beoplay-H95Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeosound-1 Beolab-50 Beolab-18Beogram-400x Beocenter-2
        BRONZE Member

          If I’m reading correctly you just want a 3m or 5m with rj45 on both ends ?

          Europe wide there are plenty of options , and in England there are a few options from amazon cat7 or cat8 patch cables , to official b&o , to sounds heavenly , to ebay sellers , to making your own or getting a network company to make them .

          If it’s old powerlink to rj45 , I’d only go with sounds heavenly .

          Paul Jordan
          BRONZE Member

            Thank you all!
            There are for connecting BL18s + BL19 to a Beosound Core. Will try first with Cat7 cables to see how it works.



            Hi Paul,

            I have these cables in UK stock ready to ship if required:-


            Kind regards, Steve.

            Location: The cable workshop, England
            Favorite Product: Beosystem 72-23
            Signature: Cables, friendly advice and great ideas for connecting Bang & Olufsen! Ask any questions at https://soundsheavenly.com to get the best from your B&O! Please visit my B&O YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/soundsheavenlycables
            My B&O Icons: Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-MomentBeosound-LevelBeosound-EmergeBeosound-A5Beosound-9000Beoplay-V1 Beoplay-H100 Beoplay-H95Beoplay-H9iBeoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-E8Beoplay-E4Beolit-17Beoplay-A1BeomasterBeolab-18Beogram-400x
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