Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoSound Theatre LG sources disappear from Theatre

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  • #57190
    FOUNDER Member
      • Brittany, France


      Every now and then, LG sources disappear from the BR1 paired to my Theatre.

      I have to power-cycle the set, then fiddle between the LG remote , the B&O app and the BR1 until the sources “come back” on the remote, which can take time.

      Am I the only one to have this annoying “behaviour”?

      If not, is there a step by step procedure to restore the sources in a straight forward way?

      Kind regards,


      BRONZE Member

        Plenty of people have had it over recent months.

        Hasn’t happened to me in a while, but yes it took some fiddling to get them back.


        BRONZE Member

          Happened to my living room Theatre this morning, power cycle etc fixed it (albeit 5 minutes after restart).

          Source list was fine in the app, just not on the BR1.

          SILVER Member

            Hello all,

            I have the same issue on my Beovision Theatre with LG G3 TV. Diconnecting mains for a few seconds and switching on again solves the problem for a while. Anyhow, this happens several times a day. Only happnes with the Beoremote One. The LG remote still works fine. Very annoying in deed to operate the setup with 2 remotes!!

            Also intermittendly I get a message on the TV screen “Your Bang & Olufsen Product was disconnected. Please check that yor B&O product is connected to the TV via LAN.” Within milliceconds the message comes up “LAN being connected”.
            Actually, my LAN is connected permanently and also works stable.

            Regards R Paul


            BRONZE Member

              I’ve reported this issue to B&O, so I’d suggest you do also (if you havent already).

              My guess is that they have no idea why this is happening.

              SILVER Member

                Thank you for the advice, will report it today to B&O.

                Regards, R Paul

                BRONZE Member

                  I have it as well, also with the Theatre LG G3 combination, not very often though. Once every few months. Rebooting the BR1 resolves it for me and is faster then powercycling the Theatre etc 🙂

                  SILVER Member

                    The first advice from B&O was to change the batteries in the Beoremote One and connect the WLAN to 5 GHz. Both actions did not solve the issue however, the error still comes up thus less frequently, only once a day. Now the issue is with B&O support. They requested a log from the B&O app at the time of error. Interesting fact, my local B&O dealer has the same error frequently. I hope they will find an error correction in Struer. I think, one can expect a fully funcioning product for this high price!

                    Regards, Paul

                    SILVER Member

                      This is the response from the experts. I just do not understand the first sentence in detail. The parameters they refer to are set as suggested in my setup. All over this is not a solution. I still think there is a SW bug which the B&O experts still did not pinpoint.

                      SILVER Member

                        Sorry, I forgot to insert the expert,s reponse:

                        Sumaira (Bang & Olufsen)

                        Aug 12, 2024, 02:51 GMT+2

                        Dear Reinpaul,

                        Thank you for patiently waiting. We have received feedback and would like to share the details with you.

                        We would like to confirm if it is possible to control your Theatre’s internal source as radio or music. If yes, there could be a panel issue, kindly make sure that “Always ready” is disabled and quick start plue needs to be enabled.

                        SILVER Member

                          B&O support suggested to disable CEC on the HDMI with a PUC device. It seems that disconnecting CEC on the HDMI where my Panasonic Blue Ray with PUC is connected solved the issue. Neither the message „your B&O product has been disconnected…“ nor the lockout of the Beoremote One appeared after I disconnected CEC for this device in the B&O app. I strongly suggested B&O support to add this into the Support File regarding PUC (https://support.bang-olufsen.com/hc/de/articles/9445399681809-Was-ist-ein-PUC-und-wie-verwende-ich-ihn-mit-dem-Beovision-Theatre) or find a SW solution which switches off CEC on the HDMI where a device with PUC is active.
                          R Paul

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