Home Forums General Discussion & Questions How to wire 7 din plug to Beogram

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  • #53431
    BRONZE Member

      Thank you my friend, champagne and chocolates on the way if I get this working ?

      GOLD Member

        If I get it working I was going to buy a beomaster 2000 to go with it

        Then the datalink connection on pin 6 will be relevant


        Location: Denmark
        BRONZE Member

          Excellent ?

          BRONZE Member

            Good luck with the soldering.  I’ve just done one for the first time in about 40 years, and forget how much a pain in the proverbial it is.

            BRONZE Member

              Wow, who knew this soldering thing would be so difficult! Ive melted the plug!

              think I need a finer, smaller soldering iron and finer solder…

              GOLD Member

                Wow, who knew this soldering thing would be so difficult! Ive melted the plug! think I need a finer, smaller soldering iron and finer solder…

                Sound like it. Those plugs can be quite fidely to work on

                Location: Denmark
              Viewing 6 posts - 21 through 26 (of 26 total)
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