Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Here’s a real EXPERT Beogram technician

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  • #52351
    BRONZE Member

      Your laughter medicine for the day!

      Yes, there REALLY are idiots like this who ruin our beautiful turntables.


      He’s probably hungover – He said “I feel like crap”, and burps.

      He puts one type of oil in all the places – well, then use sunflower oil, for what it’s worth.

      He put on a cheap RCA cable, with no regard for the importance of the capacitance of the cable – should be not more than 200pF.

      He touches live circuits while warning about shorts.

      He has Oxy liquid on his table, while the circuits are live.

      His creased strobe disc – that will really set the speed well.

      By adjusting the platter height at the center axle, he screwed up the 23mm tonearm height.

      He is coughing germs all over your machine.

      So full of inaccuracies.


      Is this who you want to repair your machine?


      I normally encourage DIY’ers.

      But this one – He’s a total Kook.


      I’d be ashamed to advertise myself if I was in his condition.

      Location: Jerusalem
      GOLD Member

        By adjusting the platter height at the center axle, he screwed up the 23mm tonearm height.

        – And the tracking angle.
        All in all a clear example of someone who doesn’t know what he is working with.


        BRONZE Member

          That was painful to watch.

          Just curious… How many hours do you think that it would take you to repair just the “damage” that he caused during the filming of the video?  (i.e. fix the cartridge contacts from the sandpaper damage, etc.)


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