Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab Help! Penta 3: loud hum, base repair options?

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  • #64107
    BRONZE Member

      Hi All,

      Looking for guidance, and thoughts on where to go for repairs, for a pair of much loved Penta MK3’s that I’ve been restoring over the past few years. I’m in the NYC area, but will ship as necessary.

      As detailed in this earlier post to the old forum (Link, post 5801), I have a pair of Pentas that I run through a Denon received with a SH attenuated converter. Worked great for a couple years, even refoamed the speakers to do a bit of futureproofing. Then one of the input switches broke, and I undertook the disassembly process to repair the base, ultimately fixing the switch but likely messing something else up (I always worry about the paste on the heat sink, since the piece sort of deteriorated and I crossed my fingers.).

      Speculation aside, a few months after the repair, I started getting loud humming feedback immediately upon turning the speakers on, from one of the two speakers – the one I repaired. I assume an amplifier died, but must now acknowledge I’m out of my depth when it comes to diagnosing and repairing the speakers. Maybe they still work great when connected via soundlink, or it’s an easy switch fix, but I just don’t have the know-how to determine next steps.

      So, it’s time to call it: where can I send the base for a diagnosis/repair? Is there anyone I can drive it to on the east coast? Do I need to send it further afield? Any more accomplished hobbyists out there want to take a crack?

      Hope to hear from you. They still stand in my living room, reminding me on a daily basis how good things used to be.

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