Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoSystem HDMI-ARC on Beosystem 4

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  • #41850
    GOLD Member

      To connect my Beosystem 4 to my LGTV, I use a HDMI splitter, so the video source doesn’t need to go through the Beosystem 4 – allowing 4K.

      I was wondering how to make the Beosystem 4 ARC compatible, so I could feed the audio back to the Beosystem 4 and remove the splitter. Most ARC extractors, don’t seem to have a hdmi out – just phono or toslink – which means only 2 channels.

      anyone know of a way to use the Beosystem 4 as a client for a ARC TV?

      BRONZE Member

        I am also interested in this

        GOLD Member

          you can use this earc extractor FeinTech VAX01202. I use this with the beosystem 4 and an LG-G1. the output from the extractor sends a black picture with the sound to the hdmi input of the beosystem 4. so you can get the sound of the sources from the LG TV and the sources connected to it into the beosystem 4. disadvantage: no menu overlay from the beosystem 4 on the tv.
          I think you can also use this extractor as a splitter. unfortunately I have no experience with that. my setup runs hd only (all sources connected to the beosystem) and for 4K (only for films) via the extractor and an apple tv directly on the LG-G1 and then the sound via the beosystem4.
          the respective switching then makes a beoliving intelligence and the apple tv is then controlled via the puc-ir codes from the beosystem 4.


          GOLD Member

            That’s exactly it. Thanks

            BRONZE Member

              Hi Beoandy, tat is really a good finding, thanks! Having a Beosystem 3 in the cellar, which is not in use exactly due to this circumstances…

              BRONZE Member

                I bought 2 they work really well thanks!

                BRONZE Member

                  I tried the Feintech product and could not get it to work work with my projector Sony VW-VPL590ES.  I tried the HD Fury Vertex2 instead – bought from Joe at https://tmfsolutions.co.uk/?s=Hd+fury.  with amazing service from Joe and great online support from HDfury  the complex setup became a breeze.  Now I have 4k pass through to input 1 of the PJ and 1080p video and PCM audio to the Beosystem 4 (1080p video goes into input 2 of PJ so I can still see OSD for volume and the like and view non-4k material via BS4).  Appears to be stable after 20 hours of viewing.  Great solution and means that my BS4 gets to go on for a few more years yet.  Note I have a pair of BL5s in the setup so switching to a non-B&O AVR presented difficulties.

                  GOLD Member

                    I am also interested in this setup, but a little bit confused about the connections.  What do you connect to HDMI-ARC of the TV and what do you connect to HDMI OUT of the BS4? A drawing of the connections would be very helpful. What means input 1 and input 2 of the PJ?

                    My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-AvantBeosoundBeosound-StageBeoremote-OneBeomasterBeolab-18Beogram-400x
                    BRONZE Member

                      Apologies for any confusion.  There is no TV in my setup – only display is a Sony PJ.  cabling as follows:-

                      AppleTV 4K  (4k video out)>>via HDMI>> Vertex2 (HDMI0 input)

                      Vertex2 (TX1 output – 1080p Video & PCM Audio) >>via HDMI>> Beosystem 4 (HDMI Input 5) >> Output via HDMI to PJ Input 1

                      Vertex2 (TX0 output – 4k Video)  >> DIRECT via HDMI >> PJ Input2

                      Hope this helps.

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