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  • #61282
    BRONZE Member

    Scherm­afbeelding 2024-12-02 om 13.28.16

    Especially the integration of the BLC and the BLC’s sources has been improved, For example one can select a tracknumer on a cd or with the BS9000 one can select which cd should start.
    Also the Join/Link of ML sources BLC connected are working better/simpler.


    It’s such a cool physical product thats so underutilized with its simple software.  Shame.

    Location: Toronto, Canada
    BRONZE Member


    Excuse me, but are you saying that you can control BS9000 with the Halo? How?

    BRONZE Member

    simple answer: Yes

    I start the BS9000 als source of the Shape. Then one can select which cd to play by selecting a number (new in this sw version)
    I will post pictures later today.

    I didn’t try to select a tracknumber on the BS9000 after a certain CD is playing, but on my BS7000 CD I can now select a track.

    BRONZE Member

    Are you playing the BS9000/ 7000CD through a core? I am interested to see how you have connected up? And how are you selecting source? I have the new Halo update. I don’t see any numbers anywhere?

    BRONZE Member

    You need a Beolink Converter to use the Halo for control of the 9000 unless you have the 9000c with it’s updated connection module.

    BRONZE Member

    Are you playing the BS9000/ 7000CD through a core? I am interested to see how you have connected up? And how are you selecting source? I have the new Halo update. I don’t see any numbers anywhere?

    The Beosystem 7000 is connecter to a BLC the BS9000 to another BLC.

    Schermafbeelding 2024-12-06 185642

    Selecting a number changes which CD is playing on the BS9000. To select tracks you have to use previous and next.

    Schermafbeelding 2024-12-06 185815

    Selecting a number (or combination of numbers), the appropiate CD track is played on the Beogram CD 7000.

    some other features:

    Schermafbeelding 2024-12-06 185750Schermafbeelding 2024-12-06 185831

    BRONZE Member

    Very cool Carolpa 👍 The idea and technology to link classic products with new products, especially the control, are unique, bravo B&O 👏
    A bit of topic, now that the beoplay charging pad is no longer sold, what charger do you use for your beoremote Halo?
    Is there a “B&O style” charger on the market?

    BRONZE Member

    That looks fantastic! ‘Just what I am trying to achieve. I need to get a Beolink NL/ML Converter. ‘Working on it already.

    The Beomaster 7000 needs to be controlled through the “speaker 2” 4 pin DIN Datalink outlets by the converter by the look of it?

    How are you connecting to the NL/ML converter? I have a Masterlink/Datalink converter which I think may be required but connecting to that, 2X 4 pin DIN to  1 8-pin DIN looks like an impossible cable?

    BRONZE Member

    That looks fantastic! ‘Just what I am trying to achieve. I need to get a Beolink NL/ML Converter. ‘Working on it already. The Beomaster 7000 needs to be controlled through the “speaker 2” 4 pin DIN Datalink outlets by the converter by the look of it? How are you connecting to the NL/ML converter? I have a Masterlink/Datalink converter which I think may be required but connecting to that, 2X 4 pin DIN to 1 8-pin DIN looks like an impossible cable?

    The Beomaster 7000 is Datalink & Powerlink connected (2 cables) to a T1611, which is ML connected to the BLC.


    : I use mainly a Beoplay charger but also the direct USB C.

    BRONZE Member

    Yes that is what I thought. But I still maintain cabling will be an issue? Steve at SH doesn’t have anything suitable on his website. Perhaps I’ll drop him a line.

    BRONZE Member

    Yes that is what I thought. But I still maintain cabling will be an issue? Steve at SH doesn’t have anything suitable on his website. Perhaps I’ll drop him a line.

    This are straithforward Powerlink and Datalink cables!
    I now see your remark about the “speaker 2, 4 pin Datalink outlet”. Don’t go that way….. use a Powerlink and a Datalink cable. For sure Steve will sell these.

    BRONZE Member

    I have those cables no issue there. Doing more research I see you have to connect the speakers to the NL/ML Converter and not the Beomaster. Am I right in assuming that using a Beo4 or other I/R controller on the 7000 would not swich on active speakers or can that also be used?

    BRONZE Member

    I have those cables no issue there. Doing more research I see you have to connect the speakers to the NL/ML Converter and not the Beomaster. Am I right in assuming that using a Beo4 or other I/R controller on the 7000 would not swich on active speakers or can that also be used?

    Hard to answer. It depends completely on your system.

    1. BM7000 with PL connected speakers. IR works asexpected in ML. If sound is distributed theough a NL/ML connecter (BLC) then the music on the NL side will be delayed.
    2. BM7000 – Datalink and Powerlink connected to a T1611 -which is ML connected to a BLC (no IR). The Beo4 can start the BM7000 sources (directly) but not the sound on NL-side.
    3. BM7000 – Datalink and Powerlink connected to a T1611 -which is ML connected to a BLC (with IR eye connected). The Beo4 should start the BM7000 sources and play the sound on the BLC depending BLC on settings.

    With the introduction of NL, I rebuild everything on NL and use ML audiomasters as seperate sources in the NL. So one ML audiomaster is connected to one BLC

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