Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions Other Excited new Penta I owner! Couple questions.

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    BRONZE Member

    I happened to look on Marketplace as I do sometimes to upgrade some Klipsch R-15M bookshelf speakers. I don’t have hundreds to upgrade so I usually just peruse and then sign off, rinse and repeat every few months when the urge strikes.. Well this time I see a photo of a single Penta speaker, $150. Doesn’t have the make or model in the description just “tower speakers 2, $150”. I’ll be honest… I had never even heard of Bang & Olufsen until then.. But after digging around it seemed that this might be something to go after. And so, after she haggled herself down to $100, I am the proud owner of a set of Beolab Penta I speakers (6603)!

    So, between when I made first contact and picking them up, which was a few days, I did my research. Understood I was going to have foam rot. Looks like there is some recapping that could be potentially useful too.

    Taking them home, I have confirmed I have what I’d consider based on the minimal research I’ve been able to do that I have pretty decent rot going on.. I plugged them in long enough to know then work and produce sound, but that’s about it. I am NOT an audiophile.. I’d say I know more than the layman on speakers, but not by a whole lot. It seemed like the mid speakers weren’t doing a whole lot. The sound wasn’t BAD, but they didn’t seem to be vibrating at all. Is that normal? Is it because of the foam rot?

    So here is where I am at: I am planning on buying new foam surrounds from here. Being from the US, is there somewhere this side of the pond that is equal just to get them to me a bit faster? I’m fine paying the $50 there if that’s what it will take for good quality. What else should I consider? Should I jump right into an amp recap or wait until repairing the foam surrounds? Is here a decent place? Any place that sells in the US? I typically repair old video game consoles so I am quite comfortable with soldering. I have never repaired speakers before but after watching some youtube videos, I think it is in my wheelhouse… Between the two sites I’m probably looking at around $120 USD, which still isn’t bad… Any other tips or suggestions? Thanks in advance!!

    GOLD Member

    Hello Raiderxx, welcome to the forum. Great to see you plan to TLC these iconic speakers. The sources for the parts have been the choice of many others here. I am sure that when you google Beoworld and Audiofriends or Beoparts you will find a lot of good talk. Best of luck, Johan

    Location: Netherlands
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