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Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoRemote Beo5 & Beo6 Controlling IR Output strength on Beo6

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  • #52335
    BRONZE Member

    Is it possible to lower the IR transmit power on a Beo6, like can be done on the Navigation button Beo4?



    GOLD Member

    Hi Gregg,

    There are two ways you can do this – you can put the Beo6 into “dealer mode” which reduces all IR output by quite a lot. You have to be up close to the IR receiver to control anything (you can imagine how this works in a showroom with loads of products in proximity). Or you can use the Config Tool change it for individual Zones/Products/Buttons.

    To change the Beo6 to “dealer mode” :-

    Go ito the Settings menu by pressing the red dot button and GO (center button) together. You should be on the SETUP screen, call up the numbers page by pressing + on the bottom of the screen. Then press “00 GO” (center button). You will see Dealer Option on screen. Press that, you will see Normal Mode and Dealer Mode, press Dealer Mode and it should go red. Then press Back (hard button) until you are out of all the menus. This may reduce it too much for your needs, but it is worth trying before you delve into the config tool.

    To change it in the Config Tool, load your configuration and go to the Edit tab along the top. If you want to change the IR strength for the whole Zone right click the Zone, click the IR tab, you will see Custom IR Strength on the right, check the box and choose your strength. If you want to change it for a product, click on the zone to bring up the products in the zone and right click on the product. It is the same for individual buttons, click on the product to bring up the buttons for the product. You can do it for the hard buttons too.

    Good luck


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    BRONZE Member

    Thanks Stoobie! I tried the Dealer mode and it worked, although a bit too attenuated. I will have to give the attenuation a shot next time I go program. I really appreciate the detailed info.


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